

<p align="center"> <img src="Software/res/icons/Prismatik.png" width="192" /> </p>

Lightpack project with Prismatik flavour

Latest version AUR bin package AUR git package

Modified version (forked in Dec 2014) which includes various improvements for Windows, esp. a Desktop Duplication API Grabber

Table of Contents: <br />   Short Description <br />   Main Features <br />   Supported Devices and Protocols <br />   Making Plugins <br />   Useful URLs <br />   Build Prismatik with Windows <br />   Build with Linux <br />   Build with OS X <br />   Build Firmware <br />

Lightpack is a fully open-source and simple hardware implementation of the backlight for any computer. It's a USB content-driven ambient lighting system.

Prismatik is an open-source software we buid to control Lightpack devices. It grabs the screen, analyzes the picture, calculates resulting colors, and provides soft and gentle lighting with a Lightpack device. Moreover, you can handle other devices with Prismatik such as Adalight, Ardulight, or even Alienware LightFX system.

Main Features:
Supported Devices and Protocols:

Prismatik supports multiple Lightpack devices and merges them into one. For other devices, you have two options to run on mulitple monitors:

Making Plugins:
Useful URLs:

Prismatik Build Instructions for Windows


Build Process:

  1. Go to <repo>/Software
  2. Copy and edit build-vars.prf according to your machine
  3. Optional: if locales changed: run update_locales.bat or ./update_locales.sh (slow on Windows)
  4. Run scripts/win32/generate_sln.bat (from the Visual Studio Developer prompt / vcvarsall.bat)
  5. Build Lightpack.sln with MSBuild / VisualStudio

Building an Installer:

  1. Run scripts/win32/prepare_installer.sh. (This builds the autoupdater (UpdateElevate), needs the submodule checked out and currently works only with VS2015).
  2. Build dist_windows/script.iss (64bit) or script32.iss (32bit) with ISCC (the InnoSetup compiler)

Build Instructions for Linux


You will need the following packages, usually all of them are in distro's repository:

(this is a Debian based example, see Software/dist_linux/*/Dockerfile for your particular package backend if available)

Build Process:

  1. Go to <repo>/Software
  2. Optional: if locales changed: run ./update_locales.sh
  3. Run qmake -r
  4. Run make
  5. Resulting binary will be in <repo>/Software/bin

Building a Package:

If you target your current system / package backend:

  1. cd Software/dist_linux
  2. Run ./build-natively.sh to list available backends (dpkg, pacman, flatpak, ...)
  3. Run ./build-natively.sh <package-backend>
  4. Resulting package should be in <package-backend>/ folder

You can also target a different distribution / backend combination via docker (this assumes docker is up and running on your system):

  1. cd Software/dist_linux
  2. Run ./build-in-docker.sh to list backends
  3. Run ./build-in-docker.sh <package-backend> <os-image-name> <os-image-tag>:
    • ./build-in-docker.sh dpkg debian 10.6
    • ./build-in-docker.sh dpkg ubuntu 18.04
    • ./build-in-docker.sh pacman archlinux latest
  4. Resulting package should be in <package-backend>/ folder

(os-iamge-name/os-image-tag should be available on hub.docker.com or existing on your system, they will be used as a base for the Prismatik builder image)

Manual Deployment:

Instead of building a deb package, you can:

  1. Add a rule for UDEV. See comments from <repo>/Software/dist_linux/deb/etc/udev/rules.d/93-lightpack.rules for how to do it.
  2. Make sure <repo>/Software/qtserialport/libQt5SerialPort.so.5 is available for loading by Prismatik (place it in appropriate dir or use LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable)

Build Instructions for OS X


Whole Dependencies List for Prismatik 5.10.1:

Build Process:

  1. Download and unpack 5.0+ Qt SDK from www.qt-project.org
  2. Go to <repo>/Software
  3. Optional: if locales changed: run ./update_locales.sh
  4. CLI
    1. Run qmake -r
    2. Run make
  5. or Xcode
    1. Run ./scripts/macos/generate_xcode_project.sh
    2. Open Lightpack.xcodeproj

Building a dmg package:

  1. Run macdeployqt bin/Prismatik.app -dmg

Firmware Build Instructions

Updating Firmware on Windows: If you don't want to build the firmware yourself, you can follow the documentation for flashing the latest firmware on Windows.

Please note that these instructions are for Debian based systems.

Compiling Firmware Only:

  1. Install AVR GCC Toolchain: sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc
  2. Compile the firmware:
  1. The firmware can be found in the same directory (individual build) or Firmware/hex (batch build).

Compiling and Uploading Firmware to Device:

  1. Install AVR GCC Toolchain and dfu-programmer: sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc avrdude dfu-programmer
  2. Reboot device to bootloader (via the secret button on the device)
  3. Compile and upload the firmware:

Please let us know if you find mistakes, bugs or errors. Contributions are welcome.<br /> Post new issue : https://github.com/psieg/Lightpack/issues