

Implement and reproduce results of the following papers:


Unsupervised Training:

To run MoCo pre-training on a machine with 8 GPUs, use:

horovodrun -np 8 --output-filename moco.log python main_moco.py --data /path/to/imagenet

Add --v2 to train MoCov2, which uses an extra MLP layer, extra augmentations, and cosine LR schedule.

Linear Classification:

To train a linear classifier using the pre-trained features, run:

./main_lincls.py --load /path/to/pretrained/checkpoint --data /path/to/imagenet

KNN Evaluation:

Instead of Linear Classification, a cheap but rough evaluation is to perform a feature-space kNN using the training set:

horovodrun -np 8 ./eval_knn.py --load /path/to/checkpoint --data /path/to/imagenet --top-k 200


Training was done in a machine with 8 V100s, >200GB RAM and 80 CPUs.

Following results are obtained after 200 epochs of pre-training (~53h) and 100 epochs of linear classifier tuning (~8h). KNN evaluation takes 10min per checkpoint.

linear cls. <br/>accuracydownload <br/>(pretrained only)tensorboard
MoCo v160.9%:arrow_down:N/A
MoCo v267.7%:arrow_down:pretrain; finetune
