

TensorFlow ZMQ Op

A convenient way to receive data from other processes. This small library can:


Sometimes for complicated large-scale tasks you would really want data processing to be separate from TensorFlow. However in TensorFlow there is no good way to receive data from other processes.


Require gcc>=5.3, tensorflow>=1.4, zeromq>=4.

Require the zmq.hpp header from cppzmq at your compiler's include path, or under the src directory.

Add /path/to/git/clone/zmq_ops to PYTHONPATH to be able to import it. Or use pip install . to install it.

Ops will be compiled the first time it gets imported. Note that it usually requires recompilation after a TensorFlow reinstallation.


See benchmark.py for usage.

On my machine this script can achieve about 1.3GB/s throughput. Equivalent to about 2.3k float32 (or 9.2k uint8) imagenet images per second.