


FastMM is a fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well across multiple threads and CPU cores, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.


Version 5 is a complete rewrite of FastMM. It is designed from the ground up to simultaneously keep the strengths and address the shortcomings of version 4.992:

Homepage: https://github.com/pleriche/FastMM5

Developed by

Pierre le Riche, copyright 2004 - 2023, all rights reserved

Sponsored by

gs-soft AG


FastMM 5 is dual-licensed. You may choose to use it under the restrictions of the GPL v3 licence at no cost to you, or you may purchase a commercial licence. A commercial licence grants you the right to use FastMM5 in your own applications, royalty free, and without any requirement to disclose your source code nor any modifications to FastMM to any other party. A commercial licence lasts into perpetuity, and entitles you to all future updates, free of charge. A commercial licence is sold per developer developing applications that use FastMM, as follows:

<table> <tr><td>Number Of Developers</td><td>Price (USD)</td></tr> <tr><td>1 developer</td><td>$99</td></tr> <tr><td>2 developers</td><td>$189</td></tr> <tr><td>3 developers</td><td>$269</td></tr> <tr><td>4 developers</td><td>$339</td></tr> <tr><td>5 developers</td><td>$399</td></tr> <tr><td>More than 5 developers</td><td>$399 + $50 per developer from the 6th onwards</td></tr> <tr><td>Site licence (unlimited number of developers affiliated with the owner of the licence, i.e. employees, co-workers, interns and contractors)</td><td>$999</td></tr> </table>

Please send an e-mail to fastmm@leriche.org to request an invoice before or after payment is made. Payment may be made via PayPal at https://www.paypal.me/fastmm (paypal@leriche.org), or via bank transfer. Bank details will be provided on the invoice.

Support (via e-mail) is available for users with a commercial licence. Enhancement requests submitted by users with a commercial licence will be prioritized.

Usage Instructions

Add FastMM5.pas as the first unit in your project's DPR file. It will install itself automatically during startup, replacing the default memory manager.

In order to share the memory manager between the main application and libraries call FastMM_AttemptToUseSharedMemoryManager (in order to use the memory manager of another module in the process) or FastMM_ShareMemoryManager (to share the memory manager instance of the current module with other modules). It is important to share the memory manager between modules where memory allocated in the one module may be freed by the other.

If the application requires memory alignment greater than the default, call FastMM_EnterMinimumAddressAlignment and once the greater alignment is no longer required call FastMM_ExitMinimumAddressAlignment. Calls may be nested. The coarsest memory alignment requested takes precedence.

At the cost of performance and increased memory usage FastMM can log additional metadata together with every block. In order to enable this mode call FastMM_EnterDebugMode and to exit debug mode call FastMM_ExitDebugMode. Calls may be nested in which case debug mode will be active as long as the number of FastMM_EnterDebugMode calls exceed the number of FastMM_ExitDebugMode calls. In debug mode freed memory blocks will be filled with the byte pattern $808080... so that usage of a freed memory block or object, as well as corruption of the block header and/or footer will likely be detected. If the debug support library, FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll, is available and the application has not specified its own handlers for FastMM_GetStackTrace and FastMM_ConvertStackTraceToText then the support library will be loaded during the first call to FastMM_EnterDebugMode.

Events (memory leaks, errors, etc.) may be logged to file, displayed on-screen, passed to the debugger or any combination of the three. Specify how each event should be handled via the FastMM_LogToFileEvents, FastMM_MessageBoxEvents and FastMM_OutputDebugStringEvents variables. The default event log filename will be built from the application filepath, but may be overridden via FastMM_SetEventLogFilename. Messages are built from templates that may be changed/translated by the application.

The optimization strategy of the memory manager may be tuned via FastMM_SetOptimizationStrategy. It can be set to favour performance, low memory usage, or a blend of both. The default strategy is to blend the performance and low memory usage goals.

The default configuration should scale close to linearly up to between 8 and 16 threads, so for most applications there should be no need to tweak any performance settings. Beyond 16 threads you may consider increasing the number of arenas (CFastMM_...BlockArenaCount), but inspect the thread contention counts first (FastMM_...BlockThreadContentionCount), before assuming that it is necessary.

The following conditional defines are supported

Supported Compilers

Delphi XE3 and later

Supported Platforms

Windows, 32-bit and 64-bit

Change Log

Version 5.00
Version 5.01
Version 5.02
Version 5.03
Version 5.04
Version 5.05