


Fast Memory Manager FastMM-Title.jpg with title only


A fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well under multi-threaded usage, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.






Place this unit as the very first unit under the "uses" section in your project's .dpr file. When sharing memory between an application and a DLL (e.g. when passing a long string or dynamic array to a DLL function), both the main application and the DLL must be compiled using this memory manager (with the required conditional defines set).

There are some conditional defines (inside FastMM4Options.inc) that may be used to tweak the memory manager. To enable support for a user mode address space greater than 2GB you will have to use the EditBin* tool to set the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag in the EXE header. This informs Windows x64 or Windows 32-bit (with the /3GB option set) that the application supports an address space larger than 2GB (up to 4GB). In Delphi 6 and later you can also specify this flag through the compiler directive {$SetPEFlags $20}

*The EditBin tool ships with the MS Visual C compiler.

C++ Builder:

Refer to the instructions inside FastMM4BCB.cpp.