

PunKt - Kotlin Punk

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A live coding music library/environment for Kotlin. For software developers who want to dive into live coding music.

"Punkt" is "point" in Polish.

Punkt demo



How to start

  1. Install SuperCollider (at least 3.10) and sc3-plugins
  2. Clone template project git clone https://github.com/pjagielski/punkt-template.git
  3. Start SuperCollider, boot server (Server->Boot Server) and run punkt-synths.scd (in case of "Memory allocation problems": clone punkt project and run src/main/resources/punkt.scd in SuperCollider.)
  4. Run Main.kt in punkt-template
  5. Profit! Just edit src/main/kotlin/live.kts in your favourite editor for live-coding

Why Kotlin?

Minimal example

    patterns(beats = 8) {
        + repeat(1).sample("bd_haus")       

Plays "bd_haus" sample every beat.

What happened here? punkt highly relies on durations to create patterns. If we want to play "bd_haus" sample every beat, we could specify this by a list of beats, like listOf(0, 1, 2, 3, ...). We could use rangeTo function (e.g. 0..7) to create a fixed range of beats. In punkt instead, you specify the durations between the beats, and a starting point - which defaults to 0 by this repeat function (which is not repeat from Kotlin standard library). This has some advantages:

  1. in simple cases, you repeat single value or cycle through small series of values
  2. this creates infinite sequence of beats, which is helpful if you don't know upfront how many beats you need ;) that's why we need to narrow the resulting collection to fixes number of beats with this patterns(beats = 8) {..} function.

Another example: 4 on the floor beat:

    patterns(beats = 8) {
        + repeat(1).sample("bd_haus") // every beat starting from 0
        + repeat(2).sample("claps", at = 1.0) // every even beat, starting from 1     
        + repeat(1).sample("hat_2", at = 0.5, amp = 0.5f) // every beat, starting from 0.5

Evaluates to:

sampleplayed at beats

Melody phrases

punkt also uses similar technique to create melodies. But melodies, apart from time when the sound should play, require a note (pitch), which should play. To make it more musically correct, these notes should be part of some musical scale. That's why we start by creating a scale object using DSL from scale package:

    val scale = Scale(C.sharp(), minor)

The notes of C# minor are: C#,D#,E,F#,G#,A,B (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-sharp_minor)

Then we can use phrase function, which takes sequence of degrees of given scale and sequence of durations to create a melody:

    patterns(beats = 8) {
        + scale.low()
                degrees(listOf(0,-4,-2,-1).flatMap { listOf(it,it,it) }),
                cycle(0.75, 0.75, 0.5))
            .synth("tr808", amp = 0.2f)

This creates following notes:

0, 0.75, 1.5C#0
2, 2.75, 3.5F#-4
4, 4.75, 5.5A-2
6, 6.75, 7.5B-1

Which is the "Shape of you" bassline ;)

More examples

TB-303 pentatonic arpeggio with LFO

    val pentatonic = Scale(C.sharp(), pentatonic)
    val lfo = LFO(1000, 3200, length = 1.5)
    patterns(beats = 8) {
        + pentatonic.low()
            .phrase(degrees(cycle(cycle((0..4)).take(10).toList())), cycle(0.25))
            .synth("tb303", amp = 0.2f)
            .params("sus" to 0.3, "dec" to 0.2, "start" to 100)
            .params("cutoff" to lfo)

4-step chord progression with lead synth

    val scale = Scale(C.sharp(), minor)
    val progression = listOf(Chord.I, Chord.IV, Chord.VI, Chord.VII)

    patterns(beats = 8) {
        + scale
                progression.flatMap { listOf(it, null, it) }.toDegrees(),
                cycle(1.0, 0.25, 0.75)
            .synth("lead", amp = 0.25f)
            .params("cutoff" to 1500)



0.3.0 - 09.09.2020

0.2.0 - 17.05.2020

0.1.0 - 20.04.2020



Copyright © 2020- Piotr Jagielski

Punkt is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.