

Piraeus Datastore - High-Availability Datastore for Kubernetes

Piraeus is a high performance, highly-available, simple, secure, and cloud agnostic storage solution for Kubernetes.

The Piraeus Project consists of:

Piraeus is a CNCF Sandbox Project.

Getting started

Installing Piraeus can be as easy as:

$ kubectl apply --server-side -k "https://github.com/piraeusdatastore/piraeus-operator//config/default?ref=v2"
namespace/piraeus-datastore configured
$ kubectl wait pod --for=condition=Ready -n piraeus-datastore -l app.kubernetes.io/component=piraeus-operator
pod/piraeus-operator-controller-manager-dd898f48c-bhbtv condition met
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: piraeus.io/v1
kind: LinstorCluster
  name: linstorcluster
spec: {}

Head on over to the Piraeus Operator docs to learn more. It contains detailed instructions on how to get started using Piraeus.

It also contains a basic Helm chart. See here.


You are welcome to contribute on Piraeus. See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to get started.


Active communication channels:

Piraeus Datastore is mainly a glue project that connects LINSTOR and DRBD to Kubernetes. Therefore, communication channels for LINSTOR and DRBD are also relevant for people interested in Piraeus Datastore. This is ...


Piraeus Datastore is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.