MQTT IR transceiver
ESP8266 based gateway between MQTT and IR. Code compatible with PlatformIO. Works with ESP-01 (debug mode have to be disabled in globals.h)
- Receiving of IR transmission and publish it as MQTT messages
- Receive MQTT messages and send IR signal (multiple formats supported - NEC, RC5, LG, SONY, Global Cache )
- Storing raw IR messages on flash and transmitting via IR
- Constant current IR LED emitter circuit (based on Analysir schematic )
- MQTT over SSL support
- OTA updates
Working modes
IR transmitting
IR receiving
Used librariers
- IRremoteESP8266 -
- ArduinoJson -
- PubSubClient -
- WiFiManager -
GPIO connections:
<table> <tr> <th>GPIO WEMOS</th> <th>GPIO ESP01</th> <th>Usage</th> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td>0</td> <td>IR receiver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td>3 (Uart RX)</td> <td>IR LED - connected via simple transistor amplifier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>15 (to +3,3V)</td> <td>2 (to GND)</td> <td>Button - used for reset configuration</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2 (Wemos buildin)</td> <td>not used</td> <td>LED</td> </tr> </table>For ESP01 following changes have to take place:
- in platformio.ini change board from d1_mini to esp01_1m
- in globals.h comment out line "#define DEBUG X"
- D1,D2 - 1N4148
- Q1 - NPN transistor
- IR1 - IR receiver
- IR LED1, IR LED2 - Infrared LED
- R1 - 3.3kΩ
- R2 - 2.5Ω
1. Clone the Repository into VS Code
In VS Code press F1 enter ''git: clone'' + Enter and insert link to my repository (
2. Modify platformio.ini (optional)
Edit platformio.ini and setup upload_port variable acording to system settings if PlatofmIO can'd identify proper COM port
3. Build binary file
In PlatformIO menu choose PROJECT TASKS -> Build
4. Upload firmware to ESP8266
Connect ESP to PC via serial adapter. In PlatformIO menu choose option PROJECT TASKS -> Upload.
During first boot device will act as AP with SSID IRTRANS-XXXXXXXX (password is XXXXXXXX). Connect to this AP and go to Configure WIFI and MQTT paramters.
Resetting configuration
If during boot device have is pressed, device will go to configuration mode.
Controller → Device communication
<table> <tr> <th>Property</th> <th>Message format</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Example</th> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/storeRaw/_store_id_</td> <td>\d+(,\d+)</td> <td>store raw codes sequence in slot no. _store_id_, last number is frequency in kHz</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/storeRaw/10" <br/> Message: "11,43,54,65,32" <br/> 32 - is frequency in kHz</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendStoredRaw</td> <td>\d+</td> <td>Transmit via IR RAW code from provided slot</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendStoredRaw" <br/> Message: "1"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendStoredRawSequence</td> <td>\d+(,\d+)*</td> <td>Transmit via IR sequence of RAW codes from provided slots</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendStoredRawSequence" <br/> Message: "1,2,3"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/cmd</td> <td>(ls|sysinfo)</td> <td>Execute on device command, replay in topic _mqtt_prefix_/sender/cmd/result</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/cmd"<br/> Message: "sysinfo"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/rawMode</td> <td>(1|ON|true|.*)</td> <td>Turn on/off reporting to controller received by device IR raw codes</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/rawMode"<br/>Message: "1"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/wipe</td> <td>.*</td> <td>Wipe configuration for next boot</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/wipe"<br/>Message: "1"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/(RC_5|RC_6|NEC|SAMSUNG|SONY|LG)/(\d+)</td> <td>\d+</td> <td>Send IR signal based on type</td> <td>Topic: "esp8266/02sender/RC_5/12"<br/>Message: "3294"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendGC</td> <td>\d+(,\d+)</td> <td>Send Global Cache code</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendGC" <br/> Message: "32000,43,54,65,32,...."</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendRAW</td> <td>\d+(,\d+)</td> <td>Send RAW code with given frequency</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/sendRAW" <br/> Message: "9000,4550,550,600,600,600,...,32" <br/>32 is frequency in kHz</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/otaURL</td> <td>.*</td> <td>Update via HTTP from URL</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/sender/otaURL"<br/>Message: "http://ota.server/firmware.bin"</td> </tr> </table>Device → Controller communication
<table> <tr> <th>Property</th> <th>Message format</th> <th>Direction</th> <th>Example</th> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/sender/cmd/result</td> <td>.*</td> <td>Result of command</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/receiver/_type_/_bits_/_panas_addr_</td> <td>\d+(,\d+)*</td> <td>Send to controller received IR code</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/receiver/RC_5/12"<br/>Message: "3294"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>_mqtt_prefix_/receiver/raw</td> <td>\d+(,\d+)*</td> <td>Send to controller received RAW IR code (only when RAW mode is enabled)</td> <td>Topic: "_mqtt_prefix_/receiver/raw"<br/>Message: "9000,4550,550,600,600,600,..."</td> </tr> </table>Integration with OpenHab
- Run MQTT server (mosquitto is fine)
- Configure MQTT server for OpenHab transport
- Register IR Transceiver to the same MQTT server (for example MQTT prefix is 'esp8266/02')
- Example items configuration:
Group gIR <own_ir> (All)
Switch ir_philips_on
"Philips Power" <own_ir> (gIR)
{mqtt=">[mosquitto:esp8266/02/sender/RC5/12:command:ON:56]", autoupdate="false"}
Switch ir_philips_volp
"Vol+" <own_ir> (gIR)
{mqtt=">[mosquitto:esp8266/02/sender/RC5/12:command:ON:1040]", autoupdate="false"}
Number ir_in_lg
"LG IR command [%d]" <own_ir> (gIR)
Switch ir_adb_star
"ADB 0" <own_ir) (gIR)
{mqtt=">[mosquitto:esp8266/02/sender/sendGC:command:ON:38000,1,37,8,34,8,75,8,44,8,106,8,50,8,50,8,39,8,81,8,525,8,34,8,60,8,29,8,44,8,44,8,44,8,29,8,29,8,3058,8,34,8,75,8,44,8,106,8,50,8,50,8,39,8,81,8,525,8,34,8,101,8,70,8,44,8,44,8,44,8,29,8,29,8,3058]", autoupdate="false"}
- Using in rules:
rule lgTVturnInfoScreen
Item ir_in_lg received update 551549190
// Do somenting after button press
rule initIRmodule
System started
// Turn off Philips after system start
// Switch LG TV to HDMI 1 by Global Cache code