

<a name="FgWbR"></a>

FH-Net: A Fast Hierarchical Network for Scene Flow Estimation on Real-world Point Clouds

test <a name="LEEHl"></a>


Estimating scene flow from real-world point clouds is a fundamental task for practical 3D vision. To alleviate the chronic shortage of real-world training data, we establish two new large-scale datasets, KITTI-SF and Waymo-SF, to this field by collecting lidar-scanned point clouds from public autonomous driving datasets and annotating the collected data through novel pseudo-labeling. On the real-world large-scale datasets, previous methods suffering high computational cost and latency. In this work, we propose a fast hierarchical network, FH-Net, which directly gets the key points flow through a lightweight Trans-flow layer utilizing the reliable local geometry prior, and optionally back-propagates the computed sparse flows through an inverse Trans-up layer to obtain hierarchical flows at different resolutions. In this way, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and efficiency on the large-scale datasets.



We construct two real-world scene flow datasets SF-Waymo and SF-KITTI, based on Waymo 1.4 and KITTI.

python tools/waymo_extract.py

After extracting data, the folder structure is the same as below :

├── waymo
│   ├── ImageSets
│   └── training
│       ├── segment-10017090168044687777_6380_000_6400_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord
│       └── ...
└── waymo_sf
    ├── 000
    │   ├── calib
    │   ├── label_all
    │   ├── pose
    │   └── velodyne
    ├── 001
    └── ...

Then create scene flow data by :

python tools/create_data.py --dataset_type waymo

The scene flow data will be saved to data/waymo_sf/{scene_id}/. A mini version of SF-Waymo is also provided here directly.

Note: We recommend using waymo 1.4, since we used segmentation labels to assist in the removal of the ground, and waymo 1.2 dataset has no segmentation labels. If you want to customize the data, you must ensure that waymo >= 1.3 and install waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0. Another way is to retain the ground (more challenging), or use the ground removal parameters we provide in crop_params.npz (including the first 100 scenes), which you can load in create_data.py.

python tools/create_sf_data.py --dataset_type kitti

The processed SF-KITTI data is also provided here for download.


This project is based on the following codebases.

We thank the authors for releasing the code and provide support throughout the development of this project.