


A cross platform desktop and mobile user interface framework

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This framework can be used to build applications that run across multiple platforms using their native toolkit, with an easy to use API. This will make your applications look and work as a native application on all platforms, using a single UI codebase.

For advanced scenarios, you can take advantage of each platform's capabilities by wrapping your common UI in a larger application, or even create your own high-level controls with a custom implementations per platform.

This framework currently supports creating Desktop applications that work across Windows Forms, WPF, MonoMac, and GTK#. There is a Mobile/iOS port in the works, but is considered incomplete.

This framework was built so that using it in .NET is natural. For example, a simple hello-world application might look like:

using Eto.Forms;
using Eto.Drawing;

public class MyForm : Form
	public MyForm ()
		Title = "My Cross-Platform App";
		ClientSize = new Size(200, 200);
		Content = new Label { Text = "Hello World!" };
	static void Main()
		new Application().Run(new MyForm());

or in a F# script:

#load ".paket/load/eto.platform.windows.fsx"
// see https://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/paket-generate-load-scripts.html

open Eto.Drawing
open Eto.Forms

type MyForm() as this =
    inherit Form()
        this.Title      <- "My Cross-Platform App"
        this.ClientSize <- Size (200, 200)
        this.Content    <- new Label(Text = "Hello F# World!")

let app = new Application()
let form = new MyForm()

Getting Started

To begin creating apps using Eto.Forms, follow the Quick Start Guide.

To compile or contribute to Eto.Forms, read the Contributing Guide.


Windows via WPF:
<img src="./images/windows.png" width=75% height=75%>
Mac via MonoMac:
<img src="./images/mac.png" width=75% height=75%>
Linux via GTK#3:
<img src="./images/linux.png" width=75% height=75%>


Third party libraries

Pure Eto.FormsSkiaSharp edition
ScottPlotpurePlotting library that makes it easy to interactively display large datasets.samplesample
LiveChartsskiaSimple, flexible, powerful and open source data visualization for .Net.samplesamplesample
MicrochartsskiaCreate elegant Cross-Platform simple charts.sample
OxyPlotpureskiaCross-platform plotting library for .NET.samplesamplesample
MapsuiskiaA C# map component for apps.samplesamplesample
LibVLCSharppureDisplay a video in an Eto app.samplesample
Eto.OpenTKpureOpenGL viewport control for Eto.Forms using OpenTK.
Eto.VeldridpureA control to embed the Veldrid graphics library in Eto.Forms.
Eto.CodeEditorpureA package that gives you a code editor control in Eto.Forms.
Eto.HtmlRendererpureProvides an Eto control to display HTML content.
Eto.RainbowLoadingpureskiaA control showing the Android loading indicator.sample
Eto.GifImageViewpureA control for displaying GIF's.sample
Eto.SkiaDrawpureA control enabling use of SkiaSharp in Eto.
Eto.ContainerspureSome extra Eto.Forms container controls.

👉 Note : Some packages are in the pipeline but will not appear until next release is created.


Your project only needs to reference Eto.dll, and include the corresponding platform assembly that you wish to target. To run on a Mac platform, you need to bundle your app.

Currently supported targets

Under development

These platforms are currently incomplete or in development. Any eager bodies willing to help feel free to do so!