


Terminal wordle. Web like terminal wordle game with keyboard hints, slow reveal animations etc.

<p align="center"> <img src="./logo.png" alt="Wordl - Web like Terminal Wordle"> </p>

Status Crates.io Version

Terminal Wordle.

WORDL aims to provide web like Wordle experience in the terminal, mainly

<img src="./wordl.gif" alt="Wordl - Web like Terminal Wordle">


Install from Cargo.

cargo install wordl

Precompiled binaries are available in Latest Releases page. Please note, the precompiled binaries are not signed. For example, in MacOS, you have to manually allow running the binary in Security & Privacy settings.


Update installed binary with cargo-update like

cargo install-update wordl

If you don't want to install cargo-update, you can manually uninstall and install the latest binary from cargo.


Rules are pretty simple.

If the terminal window is too small, keyboard hints are not shown. Please make sure your terminal has minimum required height for the keyboard hints to be shown.

wordl-rs is built with Rust Ratatui library.

Wordle Words list

Data for Wordle words are present as .txt files in /files directory. The data was initially seeded from here and here. Right now, wordle words list is not synced. If you want any words to be added or removed, please submit a PR.