

cargo-update TravisCI build status AppVeyorCI build status Licence Crates.io version

A cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables




Firstly, ensure you have CMake and the Required Libraries™.

Then proceed as usual:

cargo install cargo-update

If that doesn't work:

If it still doesn't work, slam open an issue or comment on one of the existing relevant ones.


DependencyDebian packageFedora packageMSYS2 package
libcurllibcurl4-*-devlibcurl-devel libcurl-devel
pkgconf (some platforms)pkgconfpkgconfmingw-w64-x86_64-pkgconf


cargo install-update -a — check for newer versions and update all installed packages.

cargo install-update crate1 crate2 ... — check for newer versions and update selected packages, will not install new packages.

For more information and examples see the manual.

cargo install-update-config -t unstable -f feature1 -d false crate — when building crate, do so with the unstable toolchain with feature1 and no default features.

For more information and examples see the manual.


cargo-update will update itself seamlessly on Linux and Windows.

On Windows the following strategy is applied:


Some crates, like clippy and rustfmt, have moved from Crates.io to being a rustup component. If you'd installed them beforehand, then added them via rustup component, they might not have been removed from the list of crates installed via cargo install, and you might come across errors such as

$ cargo install-update -a
Updating registry 'https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index'

Package          Installed  Latest    Needs update
clippy           v0.0.179   v0.0.302  Yes

Updating clippy
    Updating crates.io index
  Installing clippy v0.0.302
   Compiling clippy v0.0.302
error: failed to compile `clippy v0.0.302`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installxHfj2y`

Caused by:
  failed to run custom build command for `clippy v0.0.302`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/tmp/cargo-installxHfj2y/release/build/clippy-ffeedc2f188020a4/build-script-build` (exit code: 1)
--- stderr

error: Clippy is no longer available via crates.io

help: please run `rustup component add clippy-preview` instead

In that case, run cargo install --list to verify that they're still there and cargo uninstall them, which will deregister the cargo versions and leave you with the rustup ones.

Bleeding-edge cargos

Since 0.42.0, cargo install cratename checks for newer versions and installs them if they exist, instead of erroring out like it does usually.

Source Replacement vs custom registries

Cargo allows replacing entire registries at a time.

For example, this stanza in ~/.cargo/config will replace the default crates.io registry with the Shanghai Jiao Tong Universty's mirror:

replace-with = "sjtu"

registry = "https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/git/crates.io-index"

cargo-update resolves this to the deepest registry, and passes --registry sjtu to cargo install. This worked until roughly nightly-2019-08-10, but since nightly-2019-09-10 due to a Cargo regression (or feature, but it's breaking without a major version bump, so) --registry looks into a different key, requiring this additional stanza to ensure correct updates:

index = "https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/git/crates.io-index"

Confer the initial implementation, rewrite, final broken testcase and final debug implementation threads (h/t @DCJanus for help debugging and testcases, also dealing with me as I slowly spiraled into insanity).

Special thanks

To all who support further development on Patreon, in particular: