

OUSPG Open - Summer of Buzz with Fresh Blood, Alumni and Affiliates

TLDR; Wanna hack for fun? Have studies to complete? Need a job in infosec? Come to OUSPG to make cunning plans!

OUSPG presents, in the spirit of the Google Summer of Code:

If any (or none) of the above matches you, come and talk to us about it. See below for the time and place of our next OUSPG Open (doors) session.

If you want to come masked or anonymous you are most welcome, no need to reserve in advance.

If you want to impress your cousin you may make a pull request against this file to this repo and reserve your slot. :)

If still lost but curious, join #ouspg @ IRCnet.

Something for the future

June - August 2016: Weekly phun & terror filled this space

OUSPG Open 2016 is now closed. We would like to thank contributors, participants, and anyone who was mentioned in this journal. (We hope we didn't forget anyone!) Encounters and interactions were one of the best things for us this summer!

As of 2016-08-3, it has been almost 3 months since we started. Since that a lot has happened. honeypots project was completed, with smaller image size than the closest alternative, urlhandlers took a leap in research and awareness. libfuzzerfication simplified fuzzing, and TryTLS has already started making impact to the security of programming languages.

Tue 2016-08-30 Minimum Viable Award Gala @ Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)


OUSPG Open Minimum Viable Gala closed our summer. Click the image to watch the slides, summarizing the results.

Tue 2016-08-23 @ All Over Oulu

This Tuesday, we enjoyed the company of five different companies in Oulu. As we went on, we tried to hijack people from previous company to the next with some success.

Tue 2016-08-16 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-08-09 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Fri 2016-08-05 @ Yrjönkatu 11 D 22 (12:00-17:00)

In this Friday Helsinki -special we had a impressive 23 experts consisting of people who have influenced OUSPG and the cyber security in Finland.

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Tue 2016-08-02 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code

12 Steps to Better Code

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Do you use source control?11111
Can you make a build in one step?11
Do you make daily builds (or CI)?111
Do you have a bug database?11111
Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
Do you have an up-to-date schedule?11111
Do you have a spec?11111
Do programmers have quiet working conditions?11111
Do you use the best tools money can buy?11111
Do you have testers?11111
Do new candidates write code during their interview?
Do you do hallway usability testing?11111
Total score1089108
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Tue 2016-07-26 @ Room TS387, Linnanmaa Campus, Tietotalo 3rd floor (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-07-19 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-07-12 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-07-05 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-06-28 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-06-21 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-06-14 @ Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa Campus (12:00-17:00)

Fri 2016-06-09 - Sun 2016-06-12 @ Vectorama

Vectorama CTF "official" for the Rasberry Pi 3 B and 32GB SD-card prize:


Vectorama CTF "open" for the pros (working in the trade, Kapsi Ry or JK Ry gurus disqualified from the main prize:


Tue 2016-06-07 @ Room TS387, Linnanmaa Campus, Tietotalo 3rd floor (12:00-17:00)

Fri 2016-06-03 @ Room TS387, Linnanmaa Campus, Tietotalo 3rd floor (12:00-17:00)

May 2016: Open Doors at the OUSPG

Tue 2016-05-24 @ Room TS387, Linnanmaa Campus, Tietotalo 3rd floor (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-05-17 @ Room TS387, Linnanmaa Campus, Tietotalo 3rd floor (12:00-17:00)

Tue 2016-05-10 @ Room TS387, Linnanmaa Campus, Tietotalo 3rd floor (12:00-17:00)


Short videos of happenings during OUSPG Open on summer 2016.