

TryTLS CircleCI Build status

Does your TLS/SSL library check certificates properly? Broken certificate checks seems to be an overlooked issue. Handling certificates is surprisingly complex, and calls for extra attention.

TryTLS is a tool for the software and library developers, vulnerability researchers, and end-users, who want to use TLS safely.

We hope to help you to test certificate handling easily. We support systematic and readily planned tests and try make integrating your favorite language and library easy.

How Does It Work


I you prefer watching over reading, take a look at TryTLS training under 4 minutes! and What exactly does TryTLS test? on YouTube.



pip install trytls
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In case you don't have pip installed, please refer to these instructions.

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$ git clone https://github.com/ouspg/trytls.git
$ trytls https python trytls/stubs/python-urllib2/run.py
platform: OS X 10.11.5
runner: trytls 0.2.0 (CPython 2.7.10, OpenSSL 0.9.8zh)
stub: python 'run.py'
 PASS support for TLS server name indication (SNI) [accept badssl.com:443]
 PASS expired certificate [reject expired.badssl.com:443]
 PASS wrong hostname in certificate [reject wrong.host.badssl.com:443]


Stubs and their documentation can be found from the stubs/ directory.


We are currently working to support the following backends:

Test runners allow user to test against all or any of these backends.

What TryTLS Is Not

Found issues

We have tested some of our releases against popular software. Results and repro instructions of these tests are collected in the shootout documentation.

We have also collected links to other TryTLS inspired findings:

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We invite people to contribute.

Contact us