

OSRF Docker Images

This repo hosts Dockerfiles and scaffolding for images in the Official Library and OSRF Organization on Docker Hub.

Table of Contents

Official docker library<br/> Official ROS (1 and 2) images<br/> Official Gazebo images<br/> OSRF ROS (1 and 2) overlay images<br/> OSRF ROS 2 development images<br/> OSRF Gazebo overlay images<br/> OSRF ROS Legacy images<br/>

ROSBuild Status
ROS 2Build Status
GazeboBuild Status

Official Library

The following repos are hosted under the Official Library on Docker Hub. These images are tagged for production and general downstream use. If you’re targeting released versions of respective projects, then these are recommended.

ROS Docker Pulls Docker Stars

This repo contains images available for ROS, both ROS 1 and ROS 2. For more documentation on using these images, view the Docker Hub repo link above. Images are tagged by distribution name, meta package, as well as code name for supported OS base images. For complete listing of tag, view the Repo Info link below.

This repo also contain images for the ROS 2 Rolling Ridley distribution, this distribution is a rolling release providing the latest bleeding edge packages available via apt. Note that these will be updated regularly and may jump base image without notice. It sits nicely between the official ROS distributions and the nightly images.

Repo Info


amd64Build Status
arm32v7Build Status
arm64v8Build Status

Gazebo Docker Pulls Docker Stars

This repo contains images available for Gazebo. For more documentation on using these images, view the Docker Hub repo link above. Images are tagged by releases version, meta package, as well as code name for supported OS base images. For complete listing of tag, view the Repo Info link below.

Repo Info


amd64Build Status
<!-- | [arm32v7](https://hub.docker.com/r/arm32v7/gazebo/tags) | [![Build Status](https://doi-janky.infosiftr.net/buildStatus/icon?job=multiarch/arm32v7/gazebo)](https://doi-janky.infosiftr.net/job/multiarch/job/arm32v7/job/gazebo/) | | [arm64v8](https://hub.docker.com/r/arm64v8/gazebo/tags) | [![Build Status](https://doi-janky.infosiftr.net/buildStatus/icon?job=multiarch/arm64v8/gazebo)](https://doi-janky.infosiftr.net/job/multiarch/job/arm64v8/job/gazebo/) | -->

OSRF Profile

The following repos are hosted under the OSRF Organization on Docker Hub. These images are tagged for development and advanced use cases. If you require extra dependencies not available from the Official Library images above, then using these images may help save you build time during continuous integration or local development.

ROS Docker Pulls Docker Stars

This repo builds ROS (both ROS 1 and ROS 2) images FROM the Official Library by including additional meta-packages such for desktop installations. These images may be helpful using containers for development or when display forwarding when using GUIs.<br/> Images must be pulled using an explicit tag e.g:

docker pull osrf/ros:<tag_name>

List of tags available at https://hub.docker.com/r/osrf/ros/tags

Repo Info


amd64Docker Build Status

ROS2 Docker Pulls Docker Stars

This repo contains images specific to ROS 2, and are particularly for development and continuous integration. These may contain experimental features or unstable interfaces for testing the latest ROS 2 branches.<br/> Images must be pulled using an explicit tag e.g:

docker pull osrf/ros2:<tag_name>

List of tags available at https://hub.docker.com/r/osrf/ros2/tags

Repo Info


amd64Docker Build Status

Gazebo Docker Pulls Docker Stars

This repo builds FROM the Official Library by including additional meta-packages such for desktop installations. These images may be helpful using containers for development or when display forwarding when using GUIs.<br/> Images must be pulled using an explicit tag e.g:

docker pull osrf/gazebo:<tag_name>

List of tags available at https://hub.docker.com/r/osrf/gazebo/tags

Repo Info


amd64Docker Build Status

ROS Legacy Docker Pulls Docker Stars

This repo contains legacy images for ROS 1, specifically for releases predating the Official Library. This is intended as a complementary repo only for older releases of ROS that were not archived in the Official Library. Images must be pulled using an explicit tag e.g:

docker pull osrf/ros_legacy:<tag_name>

List of tags available at https://hub.docker.com/r/osrf/ros_legacy/tags

Repo Info


amd64Docker Build Status