

OpenLink Structured Data Editor

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The OpenLink Structured Data Editor enables editing of RDF documents (in TURTLE notation) stored in a variety of HTTP accessible documents. Actual document access requires the target document is served from a system that supports at least one of the following open standards:


Copyright 2014-2019 OpenLink Software

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License (see COPYING).

Note: that the only valid version of the GPL license as far as this project is concerned is the original GNU General Public License Version 2, dated June 1991.


This package uses a number of third party tools including:


The above version are the minimum recommended versions of these packages. Older version of these packages can sometimes be used, but could cause build problems.

The autogen.sh and configure scripts check for the presence and right version of some of the required components.

To check the version number of the tools installed on your system, use one of the following commands:

A disclosure of all the third party libraries this in this project uses can be found in the CREDITS file.

Quick Build Guide

If the npm tool has already been installed on your system, the following commands

Install the grunt command-line interface:

npm install -g grunt-cli

Install the bower command-line interface:

$npm install -g bower

Generate the configure script:

$ ./autogen.sh

Run the configure command:

$ ./configure

Build the package:

$ make

The project contains several README* files that show in more detail how to build the OpenLink Structured Data Editor in various operating system environments.


The build system creates both a rdf_editor_dav.vad file that can be used with the OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server or OpenLink Virtuoso Open Source Edition projects and a rdf_editor_pkg.tar.gz and rdf_editor_pkg.zip file that can be used to build and deploy the application on many http servers such as:

The project contains several README* files that show how to deploy the OpenLink Structured Data Editor in various operating system environments.


OpenLink Software publishes the rdf-editor source tree to GitHub and encourages everyone who is interested in tracking the project to make an account there.

Users who mainly just want to track the code can use the following command to get a copy of the tree:

$ git clone git://github.com/openlink/rdf-editor.git

At this point you can create your own work branch based on any of the branches available, create bugfixes and commit them to your own branch and then use the 'git format-patch' command to generate the appropriate diffs to send to OpenLink Software:


Bugs and enhancement requests can be reported using the Github Issues interface:


Developers are encouraged to fork the project using GitHub, create their own feature branches from the development branch to make enhancements/bugfixes and then send pull requests using the excellent GitHub interface for the OpenLink team to examine and incorporate the fixes into the develop tree for an upcoming release.

Github has excellent documentation on how to fork a project, send pull requests, track the project etc. on:


See Also