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Advanced Normalization Tools for Deep Learning in Python (ANTsPyNet)

A collection of deep learning architectures and applications ported to the Python language and tools for basic medical image processing. Based on keras and tensorflow with cross-compatibility with our R analog ANTsRNet. ANTsPyNet provides three high-level features:

<p align="middle"> <img src="docs/figures/coreANTsXNetTools.png" width="600" /> </p>


<details> <summary>Installation</summary>


The easiest way to install ANTsPyNet is via pip.

python -m pip install antspynet

From Source

Alternatively, you can download and install from source.

git clone https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTsPyNet
cd ANTsPyNet
python -m pip install .
</details> <!-- ## Quickstart The core functionality that ANTsPyNet provides is the ability to initialize a Deep Learning model based on our large collection of model architectures specifically tailored for medical images. You can then train these initialized models using your standard `keras` or `tensorflow` workflows. An example of initializing a deep learning model based on the is provided here: ```python from antspynet.architectures import create_autoencoder_model model = create_autoencoder_model((784, 500, 500, 2000, 10)) model.summary() ``` We also provide a collection of pre-trained models that can perform key medical imaging processing tasks such as brain extraction, segmentation, cortical thickness, and more. An example of reading a brain image using `ANTsPy` and then performing brain extraction using our pre-trained model in `ANTsPyNet` is presented here: ```python import ants import antspynet t1 = ants.image_read(antspynet.get_antsxnet_data('mprage_hippmapp3r')) seg = antspynet.brain_extraction(t1, modality="t1", verbose=True) ants.plot(t1, overlay=seg, overlay_alpha=0.5) ``` --> <details> <summary>Architectures</summary>

Image voxelwise segmentation/regression

Image classification/regression

Object detection

Image super-resolution

Registration and transforms

Generative adverserial networks


</details> <details> <summary>Applications</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Publications</summary> </details> <details><summary>License</summary>

The ANTsPyNet package is released under an Apache License.

</details> <details> <summary>Acknowledgements</summary> </details> <!-- ## Contributing If you encounter an issue, have questions about using ANTsPyNet, or want to request a feature, please feel free to [file an issue](https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTsPyNet/issues). If you plan to contribute new code to ANTsPyNet, we would be very appreciative. The best place to start is again by opening an issue and discussing the potential feature with us. --> <!-- ## to publish a release before doing this - make sure you have a recent run of `pip-compile pyproject.toml` ``` rm -r -f build/ antspynet.egg-info/ dist/ python3 -m build . python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine python3 -m twine upload --repository antspynet dist/* ``` -->

Other resources

ANTsPyNet Documentation

ANTsPyNet Tutorials