

koi 🎣

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koi is an open source plug-in for Krita that allows you to use AI to accelerate your art workflow!

Disclaimer ✋

In the interest of getting the open source community on board--I have released this plug-in early. In its current state you may run into issues (particularly during the setup process). If you do, I encourage you to open an issue here on GitHub and describe your problems so that it can be fixed it for you and others!

Overview 😄

The goal of this repository is to serve as a starting point for building increasingly useful tools for artists of all levels of experience to use.

Link to original twitter thread

This plug-in serves as a working example of how new A.I. models like Stable Diffusion can lower the barrier of entry to art so that anyone can enjoy making their dreams a reality!

Because this is an open source project I encourage you to try it out, break things, and come back with suggestions!

Getting Started 🏁

If you are new to git, or get stuck during the installation process, Lewington made a nice step-by-step video.

The easiest way to get started is to follow the plug-in installation process for krita. Then use the google colab backend server (button at the top of this readme)! This should give you a good introduction to the setup process and get you up and running fast!

Installation 🔨

Krita has a few plug-in installation methods, however, I will refer you to the one I use.

The next thing you will need to do is setup the backend server that do all the computation!

Note :raising_hand:

Before continuing, make sure you accept the terms of service for the diffusers model link to do so here.

Next, inside your terminal run the huggingface-cli login command and paste a token generated from here. If you don't want to repeat this step in the future you can then run git config --global credential.helper store. (note: only do this on a computer you trust)

Inference 🖌️

This part is easy!