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Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your Rust applications.




Add to your Config.toml dependencies


haikunator = "0.1.0"


Include the crate; create a Haikunator instance; then call haikunate.

extern crate haikunator;

use haikunator::{Haikunator};

fn main() {
    // normal usage
    let haikunator = Haikunator::default();    
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "fancy-cloud-7181"

    // custom length (default=4)
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.token_length = 9;
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "rapid-mode-572457286"

    // use hex instead of numbers
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.token_hex = true;
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "misty-boat-bd01"

    // use custom chars instead of numbers/hex
    // unicode works too
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.token_chars = "HAIKUNATE忠犬ハチ公";
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "divine-tiger-NKKチ"

    // don't include a token
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.token_length = 0;
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "lingering-term"

    // use a different delimiter
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.delimiter = ":";
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "young:cell:5426"

    // no token, space delimiter
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.token_length = 0;
    haikunator.delimiter = " ";
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "wandering coke"

    // no token, empty delimiter
    let mut haikunator = Haikunator::default();
    haikunator.token_length = 0;
    haikunator.delimiter = "";
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "freetooth"

    // custom nouns and/or adjectives
    let haikunator = Haikunator {
        adjectives: &["dandy", "froody", "happy"],
        nouns: &["whale", "towel", "earth"],
        delimiter: "-",
        token_length: 3,
        token_hex: false,
        token_chars: "24",
    println!("{}", haikunator.haikunate()); // => "happy-earth-444"

See the test files at tests/lib.rs for more examples.


The following options are available:

pub struct Haikunator<'a> {
    pub adjectives: &'a [&'a str],
    pub nouns: &'a [&'a str],
    pub delimiter: &'a str,
    pub token_length: usize,
    pub token_hex: bool,
    pub token_chars: &'a str,

Note: If token_hex is true, the value of token_chars is ignored.


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Other Languages

Haikunator is also available in other languages. Check them out:


rust-haikunator is available under the MIT License.