<h1 align="center">:skull: Awesome note-taking apps for hackers !</h1> <p align="center"> A collection of awesome note-taking <b>apps, plugins and techiques</b> for pentest report generation, bug-bounty hunting & building a knowledge base <a href=""> <img src="" alt="tweet"> </a> </4> <br> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""> </a> </p> <div align="center"> <sub> Created by <a href="">nil0x42</a> and <a href="">contributors</a> </sub> </div> <br><!-- ------------------------------------------------------------ --> <h2> <a href=""> zadam/trilium <img height=16 src=""> </a> </h2> <b> Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases. </b> <details> <summary><i>click for details..</i></summary> <img width="30%" src=""> <img width="30%" src=""> <img width="30%" src="">
:heavy_check_mark: Pros (for hackers)
- supports relation maps
- handles massive amount of notes
- easily scriptable (js)
- sync accross devices is possible (server mode)
- notes can have multiple parents
- main dev (@zadam) is very active & addresses issues quickly
:x: Cons (for hackers)
- heavy app (electronjs)
- no command-line interface
:electric_plug: Useful plugins/extensions (for hackers)
- zadam/trilium-web-clipper
- web browser extension which allows user to clip text, screenshots, whole pages and short notes and save them directly to Trilium Notes.
- nil0x42/singlefile2trilium
- Save faithful copy of a web page in Trilium notes with SingleFile web extension
:heavy_check_mark: Pros (for hackers)
- beautiful rich-text
- very used among pentesters
:x: Cons (for hackers)
- monolythic hierarchical system
- no note-tagging system
:electric_plug: Useful plugins/extensions (for hackers)
- Import Nmap scans to Cherrytree
- Create a PDF from your pentesting cherrytree notes (with the OSCP exam in mind).
- recon tool for OSCP engagements. Exports to cherrytree format
- templates for OSCP
- Modified version of AutoRecon with a cherrytree helper script to import autorecon scan into cherrytree.
- CherryTree OSCP methodology templatte
:heavy_check_mark: Pros (for hackers)
- Manage reusable Audit and Vulnerability Data
- Multi-User reporting
- Docx Report Generation
- Docx Template customization
:x: Cons (for hackers)
- not a knowledge base, focused on generating pentest reports
:heavy_check_mark: Pros (for hackers)
- Focused on target-tracking (good for bug-bounty hunting)
- importable hacking
:x: Cons (for hackers)
- heavy app (electronjs)
- Last commit is from
Jul 19, 2019
:electric_plug: Useful plugins/extensions (for hackers)
- OWASP-Testing-Checklist from @Ice3man543
:heavy_check_mark: Pros (for hackers)
- Focused on OSINT
- in-notes executable scripts for result insertions
- Automate / parse recon to excel
:x: Cons (for hackers)
- Recent (small community)
:electric_plug: Resources
- BSIDES presentation by @obheda12