


Save faithful copy of a web page as a Trilium note with SingleFile web extension.

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How it Works

SingleFile web extension saves a faithful copy of the web page being rendered by your browser as a single HTML file. It's default location is ~/Downloads.

singlefile2trilium is composed of two scripts:

  1. singlefile2trilium-sender.py script continuously watches ~/Downloads directory for new html pages saved by SingleFile and sends them to trilium.
  2. singlefile2trilium-handler.js is a trilium custom request handler. It handles and converts data sent by singlefile2trilium-sender.py.

The handler wraps the html content into an html iframe, which is itself rendered by a render note.



A) Configure singlefile2trilium-handler.js

  1. add the file to trilium as a JS Backend code note:
  2. set customRequestHandler label to singlefile2trilium:

B) Configure singlefile2trilium-sender.py

  1. copy the script somewhere on your computer.
  2. change BASEDIR & TRILIUM_URL vars in script according to your needs.
  3. configure your system to run the script at startup (as a daemon):
    user@desktop $ ./singlefile2trilium-sender.py


  1. Use SingleFile add-on in your browser to save a web page
  2. You have now a new Trilium note rendering faithfully the web page in your day note
