

Fast PostgreSQL driver for Haskell with a flexible mapping API

Hasql is a highly efficient PostgreSQL driver for Haskell with a typesafe yet flexible mapping API. It targets both the users, who need maximum control, and the users who face the typical tasks of DB-powered applications, providing them with higher-level APIs. Currently it is known to be the fastest driver in the Haskell ecosystem.

[!IMPORTANT] Hasql is one of the supported targets of the pGenie code generator, which empowers it with schema and query validation, and relieves you from boilerplate.


Hackage Hackage Deps

Hasql is production-ready, actively maintained and the API is pretty stable. It's used by many companies and most notably by the Postgrest project.


Hasql is not just a single library, it is a granular ecosystem of composable libraries, each isolated to perform its own task and stay simple.

Benefits of being an ecosystem



There's several videos on Hasql done as part of a nice intro-level series of live Haskell+Bazel coding by the "Ants Are Everywhere" YouTube channel:


Short Example

Following is a complete application, which performs some arithmetic in Postgres using Hasql.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-}
import Prelude
import Data.Int
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Hasql.Session (Session)
import Hasql.Statement (Statement(..))
import qualified Hasql.Session as Session
import qualified Hasql.Decoders as Decoders
import qualified Hasql.Encoders as Encoders
import qualified Hasql.Connection as Connection

main :: IO ()
main = do
  Right connection <- Connection.acquire connectionSettings
  result <- Session.run (sumAndDivModSession 3 8 3) connection
  print result
    connectionSettings = Connection.settings "localhost" 5432 "postgres" "" "postgres"

-- * Sessions
-- Session is an abstraction over the database connection and all possible errors.
-- It is used to execute statements.
-- It is composable and has a Monad instance.
-- It's recommended to define sessions in a dedicated 'Sessions'
-- submodule of your project.

sumAndDivModSession :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Session (Int64, Int64)
sumAndDivModSession a b c = do
  -- Get the sum of a and b
  sumOfAAndB <- Session.statement (a, b) sumStatement
  -- Divide the sum by c and get the modulo as well
  Session.statement (sumOfAAndB, c) divModStatement

-- * Statements
-- Statement is a definition of an individual SQL-statement,
-- accompanied by a specification of how to encode its parameters and
-- decode its result.
-- It's recommended to define statements in a dedicated 'Statements'
-- submodule of your project.

sumStatement :: Statement (Int64, Int64) Int64
sumStatement = Statement sql encoder decoder True where
  sql = "select $1 + $2"
  encoder =
    (fst >$< Encoders.param (Encoders.nonNullable Encoders.int8)) <>
    (snd >$< Encoders.param (Encoders.nonNullable Encoders.int8))
  decoder = Decoders.singleRow (Decoders.column (Decoders.nonNullable Decoders.int8))

divModStatement :: Statement (Int64, Int64) (Int64, Int64)
divModStatement = Statement sql encoder decoder True where
  sql = "select $1 / $2, $1 % $2"
  encoder =
    (fst >$< Encoders.param (Encoders.nonNullable Encoders.int8)) <>
    (snd >$< Encoders.param (Encoders.nonNullable Encoders.int8))
  decoder = Decoders.singleRow row where
    row =
      (,) <$>
      Decoders.column (Decoders.nonNullable Decoders.int8) <*>
      Decoders.column (Decoders.nonNullable Decoders.int8)

For the general use-case it is advised to prefer declaring statements using the "hasql-th" library, which validates the statements at compile-time and generates codecs automatically. So the above two statements could be implemented the following way:

import qualified Hasql.TH as TH -- from "hasql-th"

sumStatement :: Statement (Int64, Int64) Int64
sumStatement =
    select ($1 :: int8 + $2 :: int8) :: int8

divModStatement :: Statement (Int64, Int64) (Int64, Int64)
divModStatement =
      (($1 :: int8) / ($2 :: int8)) :: int8,
      (($1 :: int8) % ($2 :: int8)) :: int8