

DDRNet: Depth Map Denoising and Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras Using Cascaded CNNs

The major contributers of this repository include Shi Yan and Lizhen Wang.


DDRNet is a cascaded Depth Denoising and Refinement Network, which achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art techniques.

<img src="dataset/pipe.png">

DDRNet is described in ECCV 2018 paper. It is worth noticing that:

Requirements: Software

Requirements: Hardware

Any NVIDIA GPUs with 5GB memory suffices. For training, we recommend 4xGPU with 12G memory.

Before Start

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/neycyanshi/DDRNet.git


  1. Download dataset or prepare your own data. In the dataset folder:

    ├── 20170907
    │   ├── group1
    │   │   ├── depth_map
    │   │   ├── high_quality_depth (depth_ref)
    │   │   ├── depth_filled
    │   │   ├── color_map
    │   │   ├── mask
    │   │   └── albedo
    │   ├── group2
    │   └── ... 
    ├── 20170910
    └── ...
    • color_map and depth_map are captured and aligned raw data.
    • high_quality_depth (depth_ref, D_ref) is generated using fusion method, paired with depth_map.
    • depth_filled, mask and albedo are generated by preprocess(optional).
  2. Please prepare index files for training or testing. train.csv has at least 3 columns, pre-computed mask and albedo is optional, and can be added to the 4,5th column. test.csv is similar, and depth_ref path is not necessary.

  3. (Optional) Preproccess

    • depth_filled and mask: fill small holes in depth map and get salient mask using the following command.
    python data_utils/dilate_erode.py dataset/20170907


  1. Please download our pre-trained model from Google Drive or Baidu Pan, and put them under folder log/cscd/noBN_L1_sd100_B16/, and we call this checkpoint directory as $CKPT_DIR. Make sure it looks like this:
  2. Edit eval.sh by modifing checkpoint_dir and csv_path to yours.
  3. Run test script and save results to $RESULT_DIR directory. Denoised depth map (D_dn) dn_frame_%6d.png and refined depth map (D_dt) dt_frame_%6d.png will be saved.
    sh eval.sh $RESULT_DIR/  # RESULT_DIR=sample


  1. train.sh is an example of how to train this network, please edit index_file and dataset_dir to yours.
  2. Run train script and save checkpoints to specified directory. Here $LOG_DIR is the parent directory of $EXPM_DIR. Log, network graph and model parameters (checkpoints) are saved in $EXPM_DIR. $GPU_ID is the selected gpu id. If GPU_ID=0, training is done on the first GPU.
    sh train.sh $LOG_DIR/$EXPM_DIR/ $GPU_ID  # LOG_DIR=cscd EXPM_DIR=noBN_L1_sd100_B16
    tensorboard --logdir=log/$LOG_DIR/$EXPM_DIR --port=6006  # visualizing training.

Citing DDRNet

If you find DDRNet useful in your research, please consider citing:

  author = {Shi Yan, Chenglei Wu, Lizhen Wang, Feng Xu, Liang An, Kaiwen Guo, and Yebin Liu},  
  title = {DDRNet: Depth Map Denoising and Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras Using Cascaded CNNs},  
  booktitle = {ECCV},  
  year = {2018}  


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