

Reflectance Adaptive Filtering Improves Intrinsic Image Estimation

This is the code release for the research project of "Reflectance Adaptive Filtering Improves Intrinsic Image Estimation", which was published in CVPR 2017 and can be found at https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.05062.

It is released under the MIT License, please see LICENSE.md.

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  title={Reflectance Adaptive Filtering Improves Intrinsic Image Estimation},
  author={Nestmeyer, Thomas and Gehler, Peter V},
  booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

Direct CNN prediction

To get the reflectance estimation with our trained CNN, the script decompose_with_trained_CNN.py needs the necessary parameters: python decompose_with_trained_CNN.py --filename_in=/path/to/read/file/from/name.png --path_out=/folder/where/output/should/go/to

It should only depend on caffe (https://github.com/BVLC/caffe), numpy and cv2 (OpenCV).

To give an explicit example, I am able to run: python ~/Repositories/intrinsic/src/reflectance_filtering/decompose_with_trained_CNN.py --filename_in=/lustre/home/tnestmeyer/Repositories/intrinsic/src/malabar/python_layers/unittests/118495.png --path_out=/lustre/home/tnestmeyer/Results/tmp_folder

The input image is expected to be a regular gamma-corrected (meaning sRGB) image, while the output gives linear response.

Reflectance Filtering

Applies the piecewise constant reflectance assumption by using a bilateral/guided filter.

An example usage which should be instructive in how to pass the parameters: python filter_reflectance.py --filter_type=bilateral --sigma_color=20 --sigma_spatial=22 --filename_in=/lustre/home/tnestmeyer/Results/tmp_folder/118495-r.png --guidance_in=/lustre/home/tnestmeyer/Repositories/intrinsic/src/malabar/python_layers/unittests/118495.png --path_out=/lustre/home/tnestmeyer/Results/tmp_folder

It depends on numpy and OpenCV with the ximgproc (Extended Image Processing) module (https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/tree/master/modules/ximgproc)

WHDR computation

To evaluate the WHDR of our and other methods, we used the compute_whdr function of the released code in the IIW dataset under iiw-dataset/whdr.py after loading the image with load_image(filename_reflectance, is_srgb=False) or (to evaluate other methods which might be saved as sRGB) load_image(filename_reflectance, is_srgb=True) respectively.

If you want to reproduce our results in Figure 5, most of the previous methods can be downloaded from Sean Bell's project page under Pre-computed decompositions (release 0, 4.5M). Methods not available there:

Additionaly, we provide the following results:


The runtimes for the plot in Figure 7 are determined in the following way:

For the runtimes of methods that appeared before [Bell et al. (2014)], I used the numbers available at Sean Bell's project page.

Additionally for [Zoran et al. 2015] in direct mail correspondence, I was told that his runtime is about 10s per image, which he says is faster than what they report in their paper, although I did not find anything about runtime in their paper. This was his message: "The image take about 10 seconds to generate - this is some after optimization we did for the network inference (in the paper we report 24 seconds). The results remain the same for this optimized network."

For [Bi et al. (2015)], I assumed 300s since they say 5-10mins in their paper. I used the same number for "L1-flattening", which is part of their pipeline and is also roughly what I saw when running their code.

For [Zhou et al. (2015)], I assumed 60s, since I got the following reply per mail: "Sure, the average runtime is about 1min per image -- most of the time is spent on the CRF inference."

When using 'flat' as guidance for filtering, I added 300sec to compute 'flat' to the runtime of the algorithm which is filtered. The filtering itself is quite fast. With the given parameters, one step of guided filtering took about 0.08s, and one step of bilateral filtering about 0.687s. Our CNN on the other hand takes about 0.006s per image. In summary, I got the runtimes in seconds (in addition to the runtimes listed on the IIW page):

Training the CNN for the direct reflectance prediction

The code to train the CNN described in the paper is not that clean. In the following, there should be hints for how to use it. If you encounter problems which you cannot solve yourself or missing files, come back to me at thomas. nestmeyer at tuebingen. mpg. de (remove spaces, at -> @ ) or any other channel you might find in case this address might be out of service.

  1. Create numpy array files containing the train / validation / test split of IIW including the annotations with createNumpyArrayWithComparisons.py:

  2. Adapt in data_handling.py where to find the *.npz files created/downloaded in 1.

  3. Install the latest caffe: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe

    If you have problems, use malabar, our caffe "flavor", already prepared for the next step: http://files.is.tue.mpg.de/tnestmeyer/public/reflectance-filtering/malabar/malabar.tar.gz

    I installed malabar via cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_python=ON -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/is/software/nvidia/cuda-8.0.44 -DUSE_CUDNN=True -DCUDNN_LIBRARY=/is/software/nvidia/cudnn-5.1/lib64/libcudnn.so -DCUDNN_INCLUDE=/is/software/nvidia/cudnn-5.1/include -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=Kepler ..

  4. Install barrista, a more convenient python interface to caffe: https://classner.github.io/barrista/

  5. Install other dependencies (some of which might also be easy to be replaced/removed if unwanted): simplejson, tqdm, scipy.

  6. In train_with_barrista.py adapt the paths where to find barrista and caffe (or malabar)

  7. To start the actual training, run python training/train_with_barrista.py with the parameters of your choice.

    • If you want to only estimate the reflectance intensity (grayscale, as e.g. [Zoran et al. 2015]), use --RS_est_mode=rDirectly, otherwise if you want to recover RGB reflectance and shading like [Bell et al. 2014], use --RS_est_mode=rRelMean.
    • A training command to train a network with 4 layers, 2^4 filters each, being 1x1 convolutions (0 padding) looks for example like this: python training/train_with_barrista.py --stage=fit --iterations=10000 --batch_size=10 -exp=experiment_name --numLayers=4 --num_filters_log=4 --kernel_pad=0 --RS_est_mode=rDirectly
    • Results are saved to ~/Results/experiment_name
    • If you want to use one of the trained caffemodels to decompose an image, use (adapt the network parameters to what you used in training): python training/train_with_barrista.py --stage=predict --iterations=1 --batch_size=1 -exp=experiment_name2 --numLayers=4 --num_filters_log=4 --kernel_pad=0 --RS_est_mode=rDirectly --decompose=/path/to/image/to/decompose.png --predictCaffemodel=/path/to/trained/weights.caffemodel