

SAM 3D Selector

This project aims to convert users' multi-view annotated 2D image segmentations (via segment-anything) to the corresponding 3D point cloud/mesh.

Just several coordinate space conversions, no other complicated methods (welcome to leave your suggestions).

I initially implemented this project to help the point selection process for my other project SPIDR, where I manually select points for deformations/animations.

I want to use SAM to automate this process, however, my current solution are still far from the perfection.

👇Point cloud





How to Use

Annotate keypoints on the displayed image by clicking with the left mouse button.

Here are some control keys under openCV GUI:

mToggle between foreground and background keypoint annotation
zUndo the last keypoint
sSave the mask and keypoints
nGo to the next frame
pGo to the previous frame
rReset the image
cCrop the point cloud
uUnion the point cloud
xIntersect the point cloud
eExport the masked point cloud (compatible with MeshLab)
qExit the program
kSwitch the selection mode
aAdd the current frame mask for multi-frame selection

The slider on the bottom controls the depth of the selected 3D points. The percentage is related to the size of the object bound box.

Input Arguments


python app.py --dataset_path data/nerf_synthetic/lego --pcd_path data/3d_rep/lego_pcd.ply

The example point cloud & mesh can be downloaded from the following links:

# point cloud
gdown --fuzzy https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z9zuTKNbLFp6DOLfJN42kpUO0_ECCvy_/view?usp=share_link -O data/3d_rep/lego_pcd.ply
# mesh
gdown --fuzzy https://drive.google.com/file/d/17rqjWihUJshzt_Hc1YIJ8J5GNfr5WBJf/view?usp=share_link -O data/3d_rep/lego_mesh.obj
