

#App Documentation

This is where you can plop your app's documentation :)

##Sinatra Boilerplate Documentation The below should be universally applicable from the original sinatra-boilerplate

Here is a Sinatra Boilerplate app that will let you get started developing something fast and do it in a clean, test-driven way. This is a one stop shop.


###Making It Your Own


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Initialize a new git repository for your project.
  3. Install the dependencies: bundle install
  4. Update the contents of lib/config/config.yml, lib/public/humans.txt, lib/views/index.slim, and spec/system/lib/views/index_spec.rb to suit your needs.
  5. Run bundle exec guard to start the development server and testing features.
  6. Away you go!

###Slim Templates This boilerplate uses Slim Templates by default they are located in the lib/views folder.

###Zurb Foundation and Modernizr I've included the default full Zurb Foundation style set and the basic javascript dependencies. In addition Modernizr and Normalize.css is included as part of the Foundation build. Some important things to keep in mind:

###Asset Pack All of the assets are managed with the Sinatra Asset Pack which is configured in the lib/app/server.rb file. Add additional assets or change the configuration here.

###Configuration All of the Sinatra configuration settings can be controlled in the lib/config/config.yml file. This is included as part of theSinatra::ConfigFile plugin. You can also add in any of your own settings, included are a simple title and description property.

By default the production values are set and any of those you want to over ride in other environments can be easily specified in their respective sections.

###Testing (YOU BETTER BE DOING IT) By default this boilerplate includes system tests, unit tests, and code quality tests.

####Code Quality As part of the Guard watch and the rake task rake quality you can run the Rubocop code quality checker which will throw crazy errors if your code is a mess. Fix these and everyone that interacts with your app will be happier.

####Unit Testing An example and useful version.rb file is included to illustrate the unit testing. Simply create your classes under lib/app and the associated spec under spec/unit/lib/app. To make this easier you can use the Blam plugin to create your new class files. For example:

blam --just-unit MyModule::MyClass

Will create the lib/app/my_module/my_class.rb and spec/unit/lib/app/my_module/my_class_spec.rb files with templates ready for tests and code. BLAM.

Run the unit tests with: rake unit which will also generate a code coverage report in the build directory.

####System Testing There are also two example system tests: spec/system/lib/app/server_spec.rb and spec/system/lib/views/index_spec.rb that show both the Capybarra and the Rack::Test forms of testing your application on a system basis.

The end-to-end tests use the default headless html browser that comes with Capybarra, but feel free to hook it up to something like Selenium as you need.

Run the system tests with: rake system

You can run all of the testing and quality checks manually with: rake build

###Deployment I built this to be effortless, here is how to deploy:

git push heroku master


##Contributing I built this because I was about to build a Sinatra app anyway and wanted to share a solid foundation. If you are doing the same, why not start with this, add anything I missed and send a pull request. Pretty soon this could be quite robust and show off the best practices.

Some things that could use improvement: