


Magento 2 optimized setup for https://gitpod.io workspace -- Nginx, MySQL (switch to Percona MySQL 8.x available in the menu), PHP 7.4 (older and newer versions available in the menu), PHP-FPM, and a lot more...

Watch full video how you can easily setup Magento 2 Dev environment right in your browser: https://youtu.be/ZydOkPWJPT8

How-to instructions:

  1. Register on https://gitpod.io
  2. Fork https://github.com/nemke82/magento2gitpod to your repo
  3. Install https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gitpod-online-ide/dodmmooeoklaejobgleioelladacbeki?hl=en
  4. Load your forked repo and click on green GITPOD button, next to Clone or Download button: http://i.imgur.com/XZCn57y.png

Gitpod will now launch a workspace container for you in the cloud, containing a full Linux system. It will also clone the GitHub repository branch based on the GitHub page you were coming from.

More info: https://www.gitpod.io/docs/10_getting_started/

Services/Tools installed:

Note: Please run following command to start Selenium and Chromedriver (as required):

java -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=chromedriver -jar $HOME/selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar & <BR> $HOME/chromedriver & <BR>

Every listed service installation code is added within .gitpod.Dockerfile You can split them into separate workspaces and share it among themself if you know what you are doing.

TO INSTALL Magento 2.4.6-p6 (latest): <BR> ./m2-install.sh

For Magento 2.4-dev branch replicated from https://github.com/magento/magento2 please run: <BR> m2-install-solo.sh

MySQL (default settings): username: root <BR> password: nem4540 <BR>

In case you need to create additional database: <BR> mysql -e 'create database nemanja;' <BR> (where "nemanja" is database name used) <BR>

In case you need to adjust certain my.cnf settings, please edit https://github.com/nemke82/magento2gitpod/blob/master/mysql.cnf file and redeploy GitPod workspace.

If you are moving your own installation don't foget to adjust following cookie paths: <BR> web/cookie/path to "/" <BR> web/cookie/domain to ".gitpod.io" <BR> web/secure/offloader_header to "X-Forwarded-Proto" <BR>

You may fork this repo and boot it on your own server or local computer: https://www.gitpod.io/docs/self-hosted/latest/self-hosted/

CHANGELOG: https://github.com/nemke82/magento2gitpod/wiki/Changelog