

Domain typo finder

Typofinder for domain typo discovery

Released as open source by NCC Group Plc - http://www.nccgroup.com/

Developed by:


Released under AGPL see LICENSE for more information

Development Wiki

Some rough notes around the v2 architecture:


Dependencies - server

Dependencies - client

What it does


Updating Data Sources

The included updatedatasources.py script can be used to ensure that the program is using the latest 3rd party data. Please be considerate of the data providers and use this script sparingly.

Google Safe Browsing API Key

To use the Google Safe Browsing API you must register for an API key. Obtain your API key here: https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/key_signup

You can find further information on Google Safe Browsing API here: https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/

If you have a Google Safe Browsing API you can enter this at the command line e.g. python TypoMagic.py -k <API>

Alternately you can place you API in the KEY parameter in TypoMagic.py.

<sup>1</sup> Google works to provide the most accurate and up-to-date phishing and malware information. However, it cannot guarantee that its information is comprehensive and error-free: some risky sites may not be identified, and some safe sites may be identified in error.