

Unity JigglePhysics


A relativistic squash-and-stretch jigglebone physics solution for characters in Unity.

Video demo on youtube.







A unity repository full of examples can be found here: https://github.com/naelstrof/UnityJigglePhysics. If anything below doesn't make sense, download the examples!

How to Jiggle a Rig

  1. Have a cool model attached to a bunch of transforms. SkinnedMeshRenderers look best!

A model of a purple lady

  1. Create a JiggleRigBuilder Monobehaviour on the object, and select the root bones you want to jiggle by adding them to the list of JiggleRigs.

Unity inspector animation of adding a jiggle rig and dragging a tail in.

  1. Create a JiggleSettings ScriptableObject in the project through the Create->JigglePhysics->Settings menu. Then make sure that each JiggleRig has a reference to a JiggleSetting.

Unity inspector animation of creating a jiggle setting and dragging it into the JiggleRigBuilder.

  1. Play! You can adjust the jiggle settings during play mode and see changes live-- And when you exit play mode, the settings should stick!

How to Jiggle a Skin (Advanced)

  1. Have a cool skinned model, doesn't need very many transforms, but does need to be a SkinnedMeshRenderer.

The cutest little blob of a model.

  1. (Optional) Make sure the model has some sort of mask. By default the shaders use the Red vertex color channel to mask out the motion. I like to use Blender and Vertex Color Master for this.

A blob with the most jiggly parts being redder than the non-jiggly parts.

  1. Create a JiggleSkin-supported shader with either Amplify Shader Editor, or Shader Graph for your specified shader pipeline.

With ASE, there should be a custom node automatically added to your list of available nodes: Jiggle Physics Softbody.

A simple example graph using ASE

With ShaderGraph, you must use a CustomFunction node, and use the hlsl file found at JigglePhysics/Shaders/JigglePhysicsSoftbodyShaderGraph.hsl.

A simple example graph using Shader Graph

  1. Add a JiggleSkin MonoBehavior to the object, and add the desired list of JiggleZones, with their specified JiggleSettings.

A Unity Editor animation of setting up the JiggleSkin MonoBehaviour

  1. Ensure the target skins have a JiggleSkin-supported shader applied, then Play!

A jiggly blob


You can install Jiggle Physics with OpenUPM by checking out the badge above. Otherwise...

Simply add https://github.com/naelstrof/UnityJigglePhysics.git#upm as a package using the package manager.

Or if that doesn't work, add it to the manifest.json like so.

  "dependencies": {
    "com.naelstrof.jigglephysics": "https://github.com/naelstrof/UnityJigglePhysics.git#upm",