


Work on this project has been kindly sponsored by Inacta AG.

Builds the Jandex index of all Vaadin core libraries. This enables Vaadin-based apps to run on top of Quarkus+Undertow.

There are two artifacts built:


See the vaadin-quarkus example app for more details.

Available on JCenter and Maven Central

Browse the vaadin-jandex on Maven Central to see versions available. The vaadin-jandex library tracks Vaadin's release versioning; simply use the same vaadin-jandex as is your Vaadin version.

In order to add Vaadin Jandex index to your app, simply add the following dependency into your project:


(or use vaadin-core-jandex if you're only using vaadin-core components).

How to build a custom version

  1. git clone this project
  2. Edit gradle.properties and modify the Vaadin version to the version of your choice, e.g. 14.4.6.
  3. Edit build.gradle.kts and set the version line to version = "${properties["vaadin_version"]}" (get rid of the -SNAPSHOT suffix)
  4. Run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal. The library is now installed in your local repo.
  5. Modify your app's pom.xml and add the dependency on this library:

(or use vaadin-core-jandex if you're only using vaadin-core components).

  1. Run your vaadin-quarkus project - it should now start as usual.


This project is just temporary; the goal is to have the Jandex index merged into Vaadin artifacts themselves. In order to achieve that, please vote for the following tickets:


  1. Edit gradle.properties and set vaadin_version to the desired version.
  2. Edit build.gradle.kts and remove -SNAPSHOT in the version= stanza
  3. Commit with the commit message of simply being the desired Vaadin version.
  4. git tag the commit with the same tag name as the commit message above.
  5. git push, git push --tags
  6. Run ./gradlew clean build publish then follow the release procedure on OSSRH/MavenCentral
  7. Add the -SNAPSHOT back and commit and push.


See License.