

Coronavirus Data Plotter

COVID-19 / Coronavirus interactive, customizable data visualization and animation portal. Together, we can make it through this.

Source repository for https://coronavirus.jle.im, the Coronavirus Data Plotter.

From the front page:

On this data portal, explore different aspects of COVID-19 / Coronavirus time evolution. I put this together because I saw a lot of different visualizations and data views over many different sites but no way to explore them all within the same tool. I hope this will be as helpful for you as it was for me, in helping process and understand the torrent of information and numbers we see in the news and on our phones every day.

Created and maintained by Justin Le (🐦) in association with Chapman University and Dr. Hesham El-Askary (Director, Computational and Data Sciences).

Nation-level data provided by John Hopkins University and US state-level data provided by the New York Times, typically updated daily around 00:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC, respectively. Much thanks to Aatish Bhatia and 1point3acres for inspiration and helping show the power of data-driven interactive visualization in this time.

These are truly unprecedented times, but it in a lot of cases it has also brought out the best in all of us — the only way we will get through all of this is by coming together to protect those most vulnerable. Stay safe, stay at home, and be mindful of the impact of your presence in public areas and the power you personally wield to make a difference. Take care of your physical and mental health! If you are in a situation of financial stability, consider contributing what you can spare (Give Directly / more info). We can make it through this, together ❤️.

Application developed in Purescript and powered by strongly and dependently typed functional programming, love, and coffee ☕. All code is open-sourced and available on Github. Code contributions and ideas welcomed and greatly appreciated!

Code Background

The overall infrastructure is built in yarn scripts. This is actually my first ever full javascript-based project, so admittedly I'm not too familiar with the ecosystem.

This project also served as a learning project for me for Purescript (programming language), Halogen (UI framework), and D3.js (interactive visualizations), so a lot of the actual code itself may not be exactly idiomatic. My programming background is a Haskell tradition where I heavily use dependent types to ensure type safety and correctness and help guide my implementation and make things more smooth during the development and maintenance process...though I admit that using a off-mainstream code discipline/style that is not exactly idiomatic within the already not-very-common language I am using makes the barrier for contribution pretty high. However, I am definitely willing to help explain any aspects of the implementation if you have any questions.