


Shell wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT, DALL-E, Whisper, and TTS. Features LocalAI, Ollama, Gemini, Mistral, and Groq integration.

Showing off Chat Completions

Chat completions with streaming by defaults.

<details> <summary>Expand Markdown Processing</summary>

Chat with Markdown rendering

Markdown rendering of chat response (optional).

</details> <details> <summary>Expand Text Completions</summary>

Plain Text Completions

In pure text completions, start by typing some text that is going to be completed, such as news, stories, or poems.

</details> <details> <summary>Expand Insert Mode</summary>

Insert Text Completions

Add the insert tag [insert] where it is going to be completed. Mistral code models work well with the insert / fill-in-the-middel (FIM) mode! If no suffix is provided, it works as plain text completions.



<details> <summary>Click to expand!</summary> </details>

๐Ÿš€ Features

<!-- _Follow up_ conversations, --> <!-- _continue_ from last session, --> <!-- - Write _multiline_ prompts, flush with \<ctrl-d> (optional), bracketed paste in bash --> <!-- - Insert mode of text completions --> <!-- - Choose amongst all available models from a pick list (`option -m.`) --> <!-- - *Lots of* command line options --> <!-- - Converts response base64 JSON data to PNG image locally --> <!-- ### More Features - [_Generate images_](#%EF%B8%8F-image-generations) from text input (`option -i`) - [_Generate variations_](#image-variations) of images - [_Edit images_](#image-edits), optionally edit with `ImageMagick` (generate alpha mask) - [_Transcribe audio_](#-audio-transcriptions-translations) from various languages (`option -w`) - _Translate audio_ into English text (`option -W`) - _Text-to-speeech_ functionality (`option -z`) -->

โœจ Getting Started

โœ”๏ธ Required Packages

Optional Packages

Packages required for specific features.

<details> <summary>Click to expand!</summary> </details>

๐Ÿ’พ Installation

A. Download the stand-alone chatgpt.sh script and make it executable:

wget https://gitlab.com/fenixdragao/shellchatgpt/-/raw/main/chatgpt.sh

chmod +x ./chatgpt.sh

B. Or clone this repo:

git clone https://gitlab.com/fenixdragao/shellchatgpt.git

C. Optionally, download and set the configuration file ~/.chatgpt.conf:

#save configuration template:
chatgpt.sh -FF >> ~/.chatgpt.conf

chatgpt.sh -F

# Or
vim ~/.chatgpt.conf
<!-- ### ๐Ÿ”ฅ Usage - Set your [OpenAI GPTChat key](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys) with the environment variable `$OPENAI_API_KEY`, or set `option --api-key [KEY]`, or set the configuration file. - Just write your prompt as positional arguments after setting options! - Chat mode may be configured with Instruction or not. - Set temperature value with `-t [VAL]` (0.0 to 2.0), defaults=0. - To set your model, run `chatgpt.sh -l` and then set `option -m [MODEL_NAME]`. - Some models require a single `prompt` while others `instruction` and `input` prompts. - To generate images, set `option -i` and write your prompt. - Make a variation of an image, set -i and an image path for upload. -->

๐Ÿ”ฅ Usage Examples ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Chat cmpls with prompt confirmation

๐Ÿ’ฌ Native Chat Completions

With command line options -cc, some properties are set automatically to create a chat bot. Start a new session in chat mode, and set a different temperature (gpt-3.5 and gpt-4+ models):

chatgpt.sh -cc -t0.7

Create Marv, the sarcastic bot manually:

chatgpt.sh -60 -cc --frequency-penalty=0.5 --temp=0.5 --top_p=0.3 --restart-seq='\nYou: ' --start-seq='\nMarv:' --stop='You:' --stop='Marv:' -S'Marv is a factual chatbot that reluctantly answers questions with sarcastic responses.'
<!-- {"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "Marv is a factual chatbot that is also sarcastic."}, {"role": "user", "content": "What's the capital of France?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Paris, as if everyone doesn't know that already."}]} {"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "Marv is a factual chatbot that is also sarcastic."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Oh, just some guy named William Shakespeare. Ever heard of him?"}]} {"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "Marv is a factual chatbot that is also sarcastic."}, {"role": "user", "content": "How far is the Moon from Earth?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Around 384,400 kilometers. Give or take a few, like that really matters."}]} --> <!-- https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/fine-tuning/preparing-your-dataset -->

Load the unix instruction file ("unix.pr") for a new session. The command line syntaxes below are all aliases:

chatgpt.sh -cc ..unix

chatgpt.sh -cc..unix

chatgpt.sh -cc -..unix

chatgpt.sh -cc -S ..unix
<!-- In this case, the custom prompt will be loaded, and the history will be recorded in the corresponding "unix.tsv" file at the cache directory. -->

To only chage the history file that the session will be recorded, set the first positional argument in command line with the operator forward slash "/" and the name of the history file (defaults to the /session command).

chatgpt.sh -cc /test

chatgpt.sh -cc /stest

chatgpt.sh -cc "/session test"
<!-- The command below starts a chat session, loads the "unix" instruction, and changes to the defaults "chatgpt.tsv" history. chatgpt.sh -cc..unix /current chatgpt.sh -cc -S "..unix" /session current -->

Load an older session from the current (defaults) history file.

chatgpt.sh -cc /sub

chatgpt.sh -cc /.

chatgpt.sh -cc /fork.

chatgpt.sh -cc "/fork current"

In chat mode, simple run !sub or the equivalent command !fork current.

To load an older session from a history file that is different from the defaults, there are some options.

Change to it with command !session [name].

To copy a previous session, run /sub or /grep [regex] to load that session and resume from it.

<!-- Optionally `!fork` the older session to the active session. Or, `!copy [orign] [dest]` the session from a history file to the current one or any other history file. In these cases, a pickup interface should open to let the user choose the correct session from the history file. -->

Print out last session, optionally set the history name:

chatgpt.sh -P

chatgpt.sh -P /test
<!-- Mind that `option -P` heads `-ccdrR`! --> <!-- The same as `chatgpt.sh -HH` -->

Vision and Multimodal Models

To send an image / url to vision models, start the script and then either set the image with the !img chat command with one or more filepaths / URLs.

chatgpt.sh -cc -m gpt-4-vision-preview '!img path/to/image.jpg'

Alternatively, set the image paths / URLs at the end of the prompt:

chatgpt.sh -cc -m gpt-4-vision-preview

Q: In this first user prompt, what can you see?  https://i.imgur.com/wpXKyRo.jpeg

TIP: Run chat command !info to check model configuration!

DEBUG: Set option -V to see the raw JSON request body.

Text, PDF, Doc, and URL Dumps

To make an easy workfow, the user may add a filepath or URL to the end of the prompt. The file is then read and the text content appended to the user prompt. This is a basic text feature that works with any model.

chatgpt.sh -cc

Q: What is this page: https://example.com

Q: Help me study this paper. ~/Downloads/Prigogine\ Perspective\ on\ Nature.pdf

In the second example, the PDF will be dumped as text.

For PDF text dump support, poppler/abiword is required. For doc and odt files, LibreOffice is required. See the Optional Packages section.

Also note that file paths containing white spaces must be blackslash-escaped.

File Picker and Shell Dump

The /pick command opens a file picker (usually a command-line file manager). The selected file's path will be appended to the current prompt in editing mode.

The /pick and /sh commands may be run when typed at the end of the current prompt, such as [PROMPT] /sh, which opens a new shell instance to execute commands interactively. The output of these commands is appended to the current prompt.

When the /pick command is run at the end of the prompt, the selected file path is appended instead.

File paths that contain white spaces need backslash-escaping in some functions.

Voice In and Out + Chat Completions

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Chat completion with audio in and out (Whisper plus TTS):

chatgpt.sh -ccwz

Chat in Portuguese with Whisper and set onyx as the TTS voice:

chatgpt.sh -ccwz -- pt -- onyx

Chat mode provides a conversational experience, prompting the user to confirm each step.

For a more automated execution, set option -v, and -vv for hands-free experience (live chat) (detect silence, experimental), such as:

chatgpt.sh -cc -w -z -v

chatgpt.sh -cc -w -z -vv

Chat Mode of Text Completions

When text completions is set for chatting with option -c, some properties are configured automatically to instruct the bot.

chatgpt.sh -c "Hello there! What is your name?"
<!-- **TIP**: Set _-vv_ to have auto sleep for reading time of last response, and less verbose in voice input chat! *Only without option -z!* --> <!-- Generate some unexpected use cases if chatgpt.sh. Certainly! Here are some unexpected use cases of the `chatgpt.sh` script: 1. Creative Writing Assistant: Use the script to generate story prompts or brainstorm ideas for your creative writing projects. 2. Virtual Therapist: Have a chat session with the script as a virtual therapist, sharing your thoughts and feelings. 3. Language Learning Partner: Practice your language skills by having conversations with the script in your target language. 4. Coding Assistance: Use the script to help you with coding tasks by providing code snippets or answering programming-related questions. 5. Artistic Collaboration: Collaborate with the script to co-create art pieces, coming up with unique concepts and ideas. 6. Songwriting Inspiration: Get inspired by having a chat session with the script and use its responses as prompts for songwriting. 7. Historical Simulation: Have a conversation with the script as a historical figure or simulate historical events by interacting with the script. 8. Technical Support: Use the script to troubleshoot technical issues or provide instructions for using specific software or tools. 9. Game Master Assistant: Use the script to assist you in running tabletop role-playing game sessions by generating NPCs, locations, and plot ideas. 10. Virtual Travel Guide: Have a chat session with the script to get travel recommendations, learn about different destinations, and plan your next trip. These unexpected use cases demonstrate the versatility of the `chatgpt.sh` script and how it can be utilized beyond its traditional applications. Have fun exploring and discovering new ways to interact with it! -->

๐Ÿ“œ Text Completions

This is the pure text completions endpoint. It is typically used to complete input text, such as for completing part of an essay.

One-shot text completion:

chatgpt.sh "Hello there! What is your name?"

NOTE: For multiturn, set option -d.

A strong Instruction prompt may be needed for the language model to do what is required.

Set an instruction prompt for better results:

chatgpt.sh -d -S 'The following is a newspaper article.' "It all starts when FBI agents arrived at the governor house and"

chatgpt.sh -d -S'You are an AI assistant.'  "The list below contain the 10 biggest cities in the w"

Insert Mode of Text Completions

Set option -q (or -qq for multiturn) to enable insert mode and add the string [insert] where the model should insert text:

chatgpt.sh -q 'It was raining when [insert] tomorrow.'

NOTE: This example works with no instruction prompt! An instruction prompt in this mode may interfere with insert completions.

NOTE: Insert mode works with model instruct models.

<!-- `davinci`, `text-davinci-002`, `text-davinci-003`, and the newer -->

Mistral AI has a nice FIM (fill-in-the-middle) endpoint that works with code models and is really good!

<!-- ### Text Edits _(discontinued)_ Choose an `edit` model or set `option -e` to use this endpoint. Two prompts are accepted, an instruction prompt and an input prompt (optional): chatgpt.sh -e "Fix spelling mistakes" "This promptr has spilling mistakes." chatgpt.sh -e "Shell code to move files to trash bin." "" Edits works great with INSTRUCTION and an empty prompt (e.g. to create some code based on instruction only). Use _gpt-4+ models_ and the right instructions. The last working shell script version that works with this endpoint is [chatgpt.sh v23.16](https://gitlab.com/fenixdragao/shellchatgpt/-/tree/f82978e6f7630a3a6ebffc1efbe5a49b60bead4c). -->

Script Help Assistant

If you have got a question about the script itself and how to set it up, there is a built-in assistant (much like M$ Office Clipper).

While in chat mode, type the command /help [question], in which the question is related to script features and your current chat settings, and how you can change them or invoke the script with the right syntax!


To enable markdown rendering of responses, set command line option --markdown, or run /md in chat mode. To render last response in markdown once, run //md.

The markdown option uses bat as it has line buffering on by defaults, however other software is supported. Set it such as --markdown=glow or /md mdless on chat mode.

Type in any of the following markdown software as argument to the option: bat, pygmentize, glow, mdcat, or mdless.

โš™๏ธ Prompts

Unless the chat option -c or -cc are set, no instruction is given to the language model. On chat mode, if no instruction is set, minimal instruction is given, and some options set, such as increasing temp and presence penalty, in order to un-lobotomise the bot.

Prompt engineering is an art on itself. Study carefully how to craft the best prompts to get the most out of text, code and chat completions models.

The model steering and capabilities require prompt engineering to even know that it should answer the questions.

<!-- **NOTE:** Heed your own instruction (or system prompt), as it may refer to both *user* and *assistant* roles. -->

โŒจ๏ธ Custom Prompts

Set a one-shot instruction prompt with option -S:

chatgpt.sh -cc -S 'You are a PhD psycologist student.' 

chatgpt.sh -ccS'You are a professional software programmer.'

To create or load a prompt template file, set the first positional argument as .prompt_name or ..prompt_name. In the second case, load the prompt as instruction without a single-shot editing.

chatgpt.sh -cc .psycologist 

chatgpt.sh -cc ..software_programmer

Alternatively, set option -S with the operator and the name of the prompt as an argument:

chatgpt.sh -cc -S .psycologist 

chatgpt.sh -cc -S..software_programmer

This will load the custom prompt or create it if it does not yet exist. In the second example, single-shot editing will be skipped after loading prompt software_programmer.

Please note and make sure to backup your important custom prompts! They are located at "~/.cache/chatgptsh/" with the extension ".pr".

๐Ÿ”Œ Awesome Prompts

Set a prompt from awesome-chatgpt-prompts or awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh, (use with davinci and gpt-3.5+ models):

chatgpt.sh -cc -S /linux_terminal

chatgpt.sh -cc -S /Relationship_Coach 

chatgpt.sh -cc -S '%ๆ‹…ไปป้›…ๆ€ๅ†™ไฝœ่€ƒๅฎ˜'
<!-- _TIP:_ When using Ksh, press the up arrow key once to edit the _full prompt_ (see note on [shell interpreters](#shell-interpreters)). -->

Shell Completion

This project includes shell completions to enhance the user command-line experience.


Install following one of the methods below.


sudo cp comp/bash/chatgpt.sh /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/


mkdir -p ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/
cp comp/bash/chatgpt.sh ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/

Visit the bash-completion repository.


Install at the system location

sudo cp comp/zsh/_chatgpt.sh /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/

User-specific location

To set user-specific completion, make sure to place the completion script under a directory in the $fpath array.

The user may create the ~/.zfunc/ directory, for example, and add the following lines to her ~/.zshrc:

[[ -d ~/.zfunc ]] && fpath=(~/.zfunc $fpath)

autoload -Uz compinit

Make sure compinit is run after setting $fpath!

<!-- **Troubleshoot:** You may have to force rebuild `zcompdump`: ``` rm ~/.zcompdump; compinit ``` -->

Visit the zsh-completion repository.

Troubleshoot Shell

Bash and Zsh completions should be active in new terminal sessions. If not, ensure your ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc source the completion files correctly.

๐Ÿ’ก Notes and Tips

<!-- - There is a [Zsh point release branch](https://gitlab.com/fenixdragao/shellchatgpt/-/tree/zsh), but it will not be updated. --> <!-- - Generally, my evaluation on models prefers using `davinci` or `text-davinci-003` for less instruction intensive tasks, such as brainstorming. The newer models, `gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct`, may be better at following instructions, is cheap and much faster, but seems more censored. - On chat completions, the _launch version_ of the models seem to be more creative and better at tasks at general, than newer iterations of the same models. So, that is why we default to `gpt-3.5-turbo-0301`, and, reccomend the model `gpt-4-0314`. https://www.refuel.ai/blog-posts/gpt-3-5-turbo-model-comparison https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/14u51ug/difference_between_gpt432k_and_gpt432k0314/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/14km5xy/anybody_else_notice_that_gpt40314_was_replaced_by/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/156drme/gpt40314_is_better_than_gpt40613_at_generating/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75810740/openai-gpt-4-api-what-is-the-difference-between-gpt-4-and-gpt-4-0314-or-gpt-4-0 - The original base models `davinci` and `curie`, and to some extent, their forks `text-davinci-003` and `text-curie-001`, generate very interesting responses (good for [brainstorming](https://github.com/mountaineerbr/shellChatGPT/discussions/16#discussioncomment-5811670]))! - Write your customised instruction as plain text file and set that file name as the instruction prompt. - When instruction and/or first prompt are the name of file, the file will be read and its contents set as input, accordingly. - Set clipboard with the latest response with `option -o`. - Create a new session (in the history file) named **computing**, optionally set instruction for the new session: ``` chatgpt.sh -cc /computing chatgpt.sh -cc -S'You are a professional software developer.' /computing ``` This will create a history file named `computing.tsv` in the cache directory. -->

More Script Modes

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Image Generations

Generate image according to prompt:

chatgpt.sh -i "Dark tower in the middle of a field of red roses."

chatgpt.sh -i "512x512" "A tower."

Image Variations

Generate image variation:

chatgpt.sh -i path/to/image.png

Image Edits

chatgpt.sh -i path/to/image.png path/to/mask.png "A pink flamingo."

Outpaint - Canvas Extension

Displaying Image Edits - Extending the Canvas

In this example, a mask is made from the white colour.

Inpaint - Fill in the Gaps

Showing off Image Edits - Inpaint

<!-- ![Inpaint, steps](https://gitlab.com/mountaineerbr/etc/-/raw/main/gfx/img_edits_steps.png) -->

Adding a bat in the night sky.

๐Ÿ”Š Audio Transcriptions / Translations

Generate transcription from audio file. A prompt to guide the model's style is optional. The prompt should match the audio language:

chatgpt.sh -w path/to/audio.mp3

chatgpt.sh -w path/to/audio.mp3 "en" "This is a poem about X."

1. Generate transcription from voice recording, set Portuguese as the language to transcribe to:

chatgpt.sh -w pt

This also works to transcribe from one language to another.

2. Transcribe any language audio input to Japanese (prompt should be in the same language as the input audio language, preferably):

chatgpt.sh -w ja "A job interview is currently being done."

3.1 Translate English audio input to Japanese, and generate audio output from text.

chatgpt.sh -wz ja "Getting directions to famous places in the city."

3.2 Also doing it conversely, this gives an opportunity to (manual) conversation turns of two speakers of different languages. Below, a Japanese speaker can translate its voice and generate audio in the target language.

chatgpt.sh -wz en "Providing directions to famous places in the city."

4. Translate audio file or voice recording from any language to English:

chatgpt.sh -W [audio_file]

chatgpt.sh -W

To retry with the last microphone recording saved in the cache, set audio_file as last or retry.

NOTE: Generate phrasal-level timestamps double setting option -ww or option -WW. For word-level timestamps, set option -www or -WWW.

Transcribe audio with timestamps

<!-- ### Code Completions (Codex, _discontinued_) Codex models are discontinued. Use models davinci or gpt-3.5+. Start with a commented out code or instruction for the model, or ask it in comments to optimise the following code, for example. -->

Service Providers


LocalAI Server

Make sure you have got mudler's LocalAI, server set up and running.

The server can be run as a docker container or a binary can be downloaded. Check LocalAI tutorials Container Images, and Run Models Manually for an idea on how to install, download a model and set it up.

 โ”‚                   Fiber v2.50.0                   โ”‚
 โ”‚                    โ”‚
 โ”‚       (bound on host and port 8080)       โ”‚
 โ”‚                                                   โ”‚
 โ”‚ Handlers ............. 1  Processes ........... 1 โ”‚
 โ”‚ Prefork ....... Disabled  PID ..................1 โ”‚


1. Download a binary of localai for your system from Mudler's release GitHub repo.

2. Run localai run --help to check comamnd line options and environment variables.

3. Set up $GALLERIES before starting up the server:

export GALLERIES='[{"name":"localai", "url":"github:mudler/localai/gallery/index.yaml"}]'  #defaults

export GALLERIES='[{"name":"model-gallery", "url":"github:go-skynet/model-gallery/index.yaml"}]'

export GALLERIES='[{"name":"huggingface", "url": "github:go-skynet/model-gallery/huggingface.yaml"}]'
<!-- broken huggingface gallery: https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI/issues/2045 -->

4. Install the model named phi-2-chat from a yaml file manually, while the server is running:

curl -L http://localhost:8080/models/apply -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "config_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mudler/LocalAI/master/embedded/models/phi-2-chat.yaml" }'

Running the shell wrapper

Finally, when running chatgpt.sh, set the model name:

chatgpt.sh --localai -cc -m luna-ai-llama2

Setting some stop sequences may be needed to prevent the model from generating text past context:

chatgpt.sh --localai -cc -m luna-ai-llama2  -s'### User:'  -s'### Response:'

Optionally set restart and start sequences for text completions endpoint (option -c), such as -s'\n### User: ' -s'\n### Response:' (do mind setting newlines \n and whitespaces correctly).

And that's it!

Installing Models

Model names may be printed with chatgpt.sh -l. A model may be supplied as argument, so that only that model details are shown.

NOTE: Model management (downloading and setting up) must follow the LocalAI and Ollama projects guidelines and methods.

For image generation, install Stable Diffusion from the URL github:go-skynet/model-gallery/stablediffusion.yaml, and for audio transcription, download Whisper from the URL github:go-skynet/model-gallery/whisper-base.yaml.

<!-- LocalAI was only tested with text and chat completion models (vision) --> <!-- Install models with `option -l` or chat command `/models` and the `install` keyword. Also supply a [model configuration file URL](https://localai.io/models/#how-to-install-a-model-without-a-gallery), or if LocalAI server is configured with Galleries, set "_\<GALLERY>_@_\<MODEL_NAME>_". Gallery defaults to [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/). # List models chatgpt.sh -l # Install chatgpt.sh -l install huggingface@TheBloke/WizardLM-13B-V1-0-Uncensored-SuperHOT-8K-GGML/wizardlm-13b-v1.0-superhot-8k.ggmlv3.q4_K_M.bin * NOTE: * I reccomend using LocalAI own binary to install the models! -->

Host API Configuration

If the host address is different from the defaults, we need editing the script configuration file .chatgpt.conf.

vim ~/.chatgpt.conf

# Or

chatgpt.sh -F

Set the following variable:

# ~/.chatgpt.conf


Alternatively, set $OPENAI_API_HOST on invocation:

OPENAI_API_HOST="" chatgpt.sh -c -m luna-ai-llama2


Visit Ollama repository, and follow the instructions to install, download models, and set up the server.

After having Ollama server running, set option -O (--ollama), and the name of the model in chatgpt.sh:

chatgpt.sh -cc -O -m llama2

If Ollama server URL is not the defaults http://localhost:11434, edit chatgpt.sh configuration file, and set the following variable:

# ~/.chatgpt.conf


Google AI

Get a free API key for Google to be able to use Gemini and vision models. Users have a free bandwidth of 60 requests per minute, and the script offers a basic implementation of the API.

Set the enviroment variable $GOOGLE_API_KEY and run the script with option --google, such as:

chatgpt.sh --google -cc -m gemini-pro-vision

OBS: Google Gemini vision models are not enabled for multiturn at the API side, so we hack it.

To list all available models, run chatgpt.sh --google -l.

Mistral AI

Set up a Mistral AI account, declare the enviroment variable $MISTRAL_API_KEY, and run the script with option --mistral for complete integration.



Sign in to Groq. Create a new API key or use an existing one to set the environmental variable $GROQ_API_KEY. Run the script with option --groq.

Currently, llamma3.1 models are available at lightening speeds!

<!-- ### Grok Visit [Grok](https://x.ai/) and check the [eligible countries and regions](https://x.ai/regions). -->


Sign in to Antropic AI. Create a new API key or use an existing one to set the environmental variable $ANTHROPIC_API_KEY. Run the script with option --anthropic or --ant.

Check the Claude-3 models! Run the script as:

    chatgpt.sh --anthropic -cc -m claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620

The script also works on text completions with models such as claude-2.1, although the API documentation flags it as deprecated.


    chatgpt.sh --ant -c -m claude-2.1
<!-- ## ๐ŸŒŽ Environment - Set `$OPENAI_API_KEY` with your OpenAI API key. - Optionally, set `$CHATGPTRC` with path to the configuration file (run `chatgpt.sh -FF` to download a template configuration file. Defaults location = `~/.chatgpt.conf`. --> <!-- ## ๐Ÿš Shell Interpreters The script can be run with either Bash or Zsh. There should be equivalency of features under Bash, and Zsh. Zsh is faster than Bash in respect to some features. Although it should be noted that I test the script under Ksh and Zsh, and it is almost never tested under Bash, but so far, Bash seems to be a little more polished than the other shells [AFAIK](https://github.com/mountaineerbr/shellChatGPT/discussions/13), specially with interactive features. Ksh truncates input at 80 chars when re-editing a prompt. A workaround with this script is to press the up-arrow key once to edit the full prompt. Ksh will mangle multibyte characters when re-editing input. A workaround is to move the cursor and press the up-arrow key once to unmangle the input text. Zsh cannot read/load a history file in non-interactive mode, so only commands of the running session are available for retrieval in new prompts (with the up-arrow key). See [BUGS](https://github.com/mountaineerbr/shellChatGPT/tree/main/man#bugs) in the man page. --> <!-- [Ksh93u+](https://github.com/ksh93/ksh) (~~_avoid_ Ksh2020~~), -->

Arch Linux Users

This project PKGBUILD is available at the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR) to install the software in Arch Linux and derivative distros.

To install the programme from the AUR, you can use an AUR helper like yay or paru. For example, with yay:

yay -S chatgpt.sh
<!-- There is a [*PKGBUILD*](pkg/PKGBUILD) file available to install the script and documentation at the right directories in Arch Linux and derivative distros. This PKGBUILD generates the package `chatgpt.sh-git`. Below is an installation example with just the PKGBUILD. cd $(mktemp -d) wget https://gitlab.com/fenixdragao/shellchatgpt/-/raw/main/pkg/PKGBUILD makepkg pacman -U chatgpt.sh-git*.pkg.tar.zst -->

Termux Users

Dependencies Termux

Install the Termux and Termux:API apps from the F-Droid store.

Give all permissions to Termux:API in your phone app settings.

We reccommend to also install sox, ffmpeg, pulseaudio, imagemagick, and vim (or nano).

Remember to execute termux-setup-storage to set up access to the phone storage.

In Termux proper, install the termux-api and termux-tools packages (pkg install termux-api termux-tools).

When recording audio (Whisper, option -w), if pulseaudio is configured correctly, the script uses sox, ffmpeg or other competent software, otherwise it defaults to termux-microphone-record

Likewise, when playing audio (TTS, option -z), depending on pulseaudio configuration use sox, mpv or fallback to termux wrapper playback (play-audio is optional).

To set the clipboard, it is required termux-clipboard-set from the termux-api package.

TTS Chat - Removal of Markdown

Markdown in TTS input may stutter the model audio generation a little. If python modules markdown and bs4 are available, TTS input will be converted to plain text. As fallback, pandoc is used if present (chat mode only).


Under Termux, make sure to have your system updated and installed with python, rust, and rustc-dev packages for building tiktoken.

pkg update

pkg upgrade

pkg install python rust rustc-dev

pip install tiktoken

Troubleshoot Termux

In order to set Termux access to recording the microphone and playing audio (with sox and ffmpeg), follow the instructions below.

A. Set pulseaudio one time only, execute:

pulseaudio -k
pulseaudio -L "module-sles-source" -D

B. To set a permanent configuration:

  1. Kill the process with pulseaudio -k.
  2. Add load-module module-sles-source to one of the files:
  3. Restart the server with pulseaudio -D.

C. To create a new user ~/.config/pulse/default.pa, you may start with the following template:

#!/usr/bin/pulseaudio -nF
.include /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/pulse/default.pa
load-module module-sles-source

Acess file

To access your Termux files using Android's file manager, install a decent file manager such as FX File Explorer from a Play Store and configure it, or run the following command in your Termux terminal:

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/root/primary"

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/termux/comments/182g7np/where_do_i_find_my_things_that_i_downloaded/

<!-- Users of Termux may have some difficulty compiling the original Ksh93 under Termux. As a workaround, use Ksh emulation from Zsh. To make Zsh emulate Ksh, simply add a symlink to `zsh` under your path with the name `ksh`. After installing Zsh in Termux, create a symlink with: ```` ln -s /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/zsh /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ksh ```` -->

๐ŸŽฏ Project Objectives

<!-- ## Distinct Features - **Run as single** or **multi-turn**, response streaming on by defaults. - **Text editor interface**, and **multiline prompters**. - **Manage sessions** and history files. - Hopefully, default colours are colour-blind friendly. - **Colour themes** and customisation. _For a simple python wrapper for_ **tiktoken**, _see_ [tkn-cnt.py](https://github.com/mountaineerbr/scripts/blob/main/tkn-cnt.py). -->

โš ๏ธ Limitations

<!-- - User input must double escape `\n` and `\t` to have them as literal sequences. **NO LONGER the case as of v.018** -->

Bug report

Please leave bug reports at the GitHub issues page.

๐Ÿ“– Help Pages

Read the online man page here.

Alternatively, a help page snippet can be printed with chatgpt.sh -h.

Also check the built-in Script Help Assistant.

๐Ÿ’ช Contributors

Many Thanks to all that contributed to this project.



The following projects are worth remarking. They were studied during development of this script and used as referencial code sources.

  1. TheR1D's shell_gpt
  2. xenodium's chatgpt-shell
  3. llm-workflow-engine
  4. 0xacx's chatGPT-shell-cli
  5. mudler's LocalAI
  6. Ollama
  7. Google Gemini
  8. Groq
  9. Antropic AI
  10. f's awesome-chatgpt-prompts
  11. PlexPt's awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh
<!-- https://huggingface.co/ --> <!-- NOTES Issue: provide basic chat interface https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI/issues/1535 Issue: OpenAI compatibility: Images edits and variants #921 Now that the groundwork for diffusers support has been done, this is a tracker for implementing variations and edits of the OpenAI spec: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/images/variations https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/images/edits Variations can be likely guided by prompt with img2img and https://github.com/LambdaLabsML/lambda-diffusers#stable-diffusion-image-variations Edits can be implemented with huggingface/diffusers#1825 https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI/issues/921 --> <br />

Everyone is welcome to submit issues, PRs, and new ideas!

<br />

The project home is at GitLab


<br />



<br /> <a href="https://gitlab.com/fenixdragao/shellchatgpt"><p align="center"> <img width="128" height="128" alt="ChatGPT by DALL-E, link to GitLab Repo" src="https://gitlab.com/mountaineerbr/etc/-/raw/main/gfx/dalle_out20b.png"> </p></a> <!-- ## Version History This is the version number history recorded throughout the script evolution over time. The lowest record is **0.06.04** at _3/Mar/2023_ and the highest is **0.57.01** at _May/2024_. <br /> <a href="https://gitlab.com/mountaineerbr/etc/-/raw/main/gfx/chatgpt.sh_version_evol.png"><p align="center"> <img width="386" height="290" alt="Graph generated by a list of sorted version numbers and through GNUPlot." src="https://gitlab.com/mountaineerbr/etc/-/raw/main/gfx/chatgpt.sh_version_evol_small.png"> </p></a> --> <!-- Graph generated by the following ridiculously convoluted command for some fun! ``` git rev-list --all | xargs git grep -e by\ mountaineerbr | grep chatgpt\.sh: | while IFS=:$IFS read com var ver; do ver=${ver##\# v}; printf "%s %s\\n" "$(git log -1 --format="%ci" $com)" "${ver%% *}"; done | uniq | sed 's/ /T/; s/ //' | sed 's/\(.*\.\)\([0-9]\)\(\..*\)/\10\2\3/' | sed 's/\(.*\.\)\([0-9]\)$/\10\2/' | sed 's/\(.*\..*\)\.\(.*\)/\1\2/' | sort -n | grep -v -e'[+-]$' -e 'beta' | gnuplot -p -e 'set xdata time' -e 'set timefmt "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"' -e 'plot "-" using 1:2 with lines notitle' ``` --> <!-- # How many functions are there in the script and their function code line numbers (v0.61.3): ``` % grep -ce\^function bin/chatgpt.sh 22:03 126 % sed -n '/^function /,/^}/ p ' ~/bin/chatgpt.sh | test.sh | SUM Sum : 2477 lines in functions Min : 1 line Max : 473 lines Average : 21 lines per func Median : 7 lines per func Values : 118+8 functions (one-liner functions not computed) ``` --> <!-- ## Star History [![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=mountaineerbr/shellChatGPT&type=Date)](https://star-history.com/#mountaineerbr/shellChatGPT&Date) --> <!-- Estimated value of the project if commissioned: ~$1500 over one year (2023-2024). -->