

<p align="center"><a href="https://synmetrix.org"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlcraft-io/client-v2/master/src/assets/logo_with_text.png" alt="Synmetrix" width="300px"></a></p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://synmetrix.org">Website</a> • <a href="https://docs.synmetrix.org">Docs</a> • <a href="https://cube.dev/docs/schema/getting-started">Cube.js Models docs</a> • <a href="https://hub.docker.com/u/synmetrix">Docker Hub</a> • <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/mlcraft/shared_invite/zt-1x2gxwn37-J3tTvCR5xSFVfxwUU_YKtg">Slack community</a> </p> <div align="center"> <a href="README.md">Readme in English</a> • <a href="README_CN.md">Readme in Chinese</a> • <a href="README_RU.md">Readme in Russian</a> </div>


Synmetrix (prev. MLCraft) is an open source data engineering platform and semantic layer for centralized metrics management. It provides a complete framework for modeling, integrating, transforming, aggregating, and distributing metrics data at scale.

Key Features

Synmetrix – Open Source Semantic Layer


Synmetrix leverages Cube (Cube.js) to implement flexible data models that can consolidate metrics from across warehouses, databases, APIs and more. This unified semantic layer eliminates differences in definitions and calculations, providing a single source of truth.

The metrics data model can then be distributed downstream to any consumer via a SQL API, allowing integration into BI tools, reporting, dashboards, data science, and more.

By combining best practices from data engineering, like caching, orchestration, and transformation, with self-service analytics capabilities, Synmetrix speeds up data-driven workflows from metrics definition to consumption.

Use cases

  1. Data Democratization: Synmetrix makes data accessible to non-experts, enabling everyone in an organization to make data-driven decisions easily.

  2. Business Intelligence (BI) and Reporting: Integrate Synmetrix with any BI tool for advanced reporting and analytics, enhancing data visualization and insights.

  1. Embedded Analytics: Use the Synmetrix API to embed analytics directly into applications, providing users with real-time data insights within their workflows.
  1. Semantic Layer for LLM: Enhance LLM's accuracy in data handling and queries with Synmetrix's semantic layer, improving data interaction and precision.

Getting Started

Prerequisite Software

Ensure the following software is installed before proceeding:

Step 1: Download the docker-compose file

The repository mlcraft-io/mlcraft/install-manifests houses all the necessary installation manifests for deploying Synmetrix anywhere. You can download the docker compose file from this repository:

Execute this in a new directory

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlcraft-io/mlcraft/main/install-manifests/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml

Alternatively, you can use curl

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlcraft-io/mlcraft/main/install-manifests/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml -o docker-compose.yml

NOTE: Ensure to review the environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file. Modify them as necessary.

Step 2: Launch Synmetrix

Execute the following command to start Synmetrix along with a Postgres database for data storage.

docker-compose pull stack && docker-compose up -d

Verify if the containers are operational:

docker ps


CONTAINER ID IMAGE                 ... CREATED STATUS PORTS          ...
c8f342d086f3 synmetrix/stack       ... 1m ago  Up 1m  80->8888/tcp ...
30ea14ddaa5e postgres:12           ... 1m ago  Up 1m  5432/tcp  

The installation of all dependencies will take approximately 5-7 minutes. Wait until you see the Synmetrix Stack is ready message. You can view the logs using docker-compose logs -f to confirm if the process has completed.

Running Synmetrix on ARM64v8 Architecture

First, it's recommended to install Rosetta 2 on your Mac. This will allow Docker to run ARM64v8 containers. Since Docker version 4.25 it allows to run ARM64v8 containers natively, but some users still encounter issues without Rosetta installed.

For ARM64v8, Cubestore requires a specific version. Update the Cubestore version in the docker-compose file to include the -arm64v8 suffix. For instance, use v0.35.33-arm64v8 (refer to the Cubestore tags on Docker Hub for the latest version).

To run the docker-compose file for ARM64v8, use the following command:

docker-compose pull stack && CUBESTORE_VERSION=v0.35.33-arm64v8 docker-compose up -d

Video guide (MacOS, M3 Max processor):

Video guide

Step 3: Explore Synmetrix

Important Notes

  1. Admin Console Access: Ensure to check HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET in the docker-compose file. This is mandatory for accessing the Admin Console. The default value is adminsecret. Remember to modify this in a production environment.

  2. Environment Variables: Set up all necessary environment variables. Synmetrix will function with the default values, but certain features might not perform as anticipated.

  3. Preloaded Seed Data: The project is equipped with preloaded seed data. Use the credentials below to sign in:

    • Email: demo@synmetrix.org
    • Password: demodemo

    This account is pre-configured with two demo datasources and their respective SQL API access. For SQL operations, you can use the following credentials with any PostgreSQL client tool such as DBeaver or TablePlus:



Demo online

Demo: app.synmetrix.org

Database demo credentials

Database typeHostPortDatabaseUserPasswordSSL
ClickHousegh-api.clickhouse.tech443defaultplayno passwordtrue

Data Modeling

Synmetrix leverages Cube for flexible data modeling and transformations.

Cube implements a multi-stage SQL data modeling architecture:

This modeling architecture makes it simple to create fast and complex analytical queries with Cube that are optimized to run against large datasets.

The unified data model can consolidate metrics from across different databases and systems, providing a consistent semantic layer for end users.

Cube Store

For production workloads, Synmetrix uses Cube Store as the caching and query execution layer.

Cube Store is a purpose-built database for operational analytics, optimized for fast aggregations and time series data. It provides:

By leveraging Cube Store and Cube together, Synmetrix benefits from excellent analytics performance and flexibility in modeling metrics.



mlcraft-io/mlcraftSynmetrix Monorepo
mlcraft-io/client-v2Synmetrix Client
mlcraft-io/docsSynmetrix Docs
mlcraft-io/examplesSynmetrix Examples

Community support

For general help using Synmetrix, please refer to the official Synmetrix documentation. For additional help, you can use one of these channels to ask a question:


Check out our roadmap to get informed on what we are currently working on, and what we have in mind for the next weeks, months and years.


The core Synmetrix is available under the Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0).

All other contents are available under the MIT License.

Hardware requirements

Processor (CPU)3.2 GHz or higher, modern processor with multi-threading and virtualization support.
RAM8 GB or more to handle computational tasks and data processing.
Disk SpaceAt least 30 GB of free space for software installation and storing working data.
NetworkInternet connectivity is required for cloud services and software updates.


@ifokeev, @Libertonius, @ilyozzz