

Oh My Vim

My Personal Vim Config for Reading Linux Kernel Source Code

  1. Install Vim & Git

  2. Setup Vundle.vim

    git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  3. clone this Repo. to anywhere you like, such as HOME:

    git clone https://github.com/mintisan/oh-my-vim.git ~/oh-my-vim
  4. Change the directory you just cloned(maybe cd ~/oh-my-vim), create symbolic link to ~/.vimrc

    # Attension : the source file can't use relative path, must absolutely path
    ln -s $PWD/vimrc ~/.vimrc

When you execute echo $PWD in shell, you will know what the $PWD means.

  1. Download Linue Kernel Source Code, like 2.6.32 Version, and tar it

    tar xzf linux-
  2. Enter the directory, and generate tags & cscope.out for Vim, maybe for a coffee of time XD

    ctags -R *
    cscope -Rbkq

obviously, should install ctags and cscope firstly

  1. Execute Vim current directory and then Update Vim Plugin, maybe for another coffee of time XD. It depends on your network solution.


or u can use shell script below after you backup your vim config:

sh -c "$(curl -fSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mintisan/oh-my-vim/master/install.sh)"

Use shortcut to jump between files and functions