

This is a set of WebGL like bindings to OpenGL for Node.JS for desktops: windows, linux, mac

It started as an extension of creationix/node-webgl and their great example com.creationix.minimason that you can find in examples/wavefront.js. However, it is now quite different and support different platform bindings, mainly GLFW instead of SDL.

Unlike WebGL it calls directly into the OpenGL driver. This has the benefit of speed and access to many features of desktop OpenGL at the expensive of compatibily and security. If you're looking for an actual WebGL implementation for Node.JS see headless-gl.



npm install node-webgl

Installation Notes for Windows 7

Beware of the Node.JS distribution you use. The default Node.JS is 32-bit and this means that modules will be compiled by node-gyp with 32-bit settings, which often leads to compilation errors especially on 64-bit systems.

So for Windows 7 64-bit, instead of downloading the default Node.JS windows installer, select 'Other release files'. This will show you an ftp site for the latest release. Go into x64 folder and download that distribution.

Installation Notes for OSX

brew install anttweakbar freeimage


examples/ contains examples from other the web test/ contains lessons from www.learningwebgl.com and other tests

simply type: node test/lesson02.js



WebGL is based on OpenGL ES, a restriction of OpenGL found on desktops, for embedded systems. Because this module wraps OpenGL, it is possible to do things that may not work on web browsers. Please read http://www.khronos.org/webgl/wiki_1_15/index.php/WebGL_and_OpenGL_Differences to learn about the differences.

#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
eval(fs.readFileSync(__dirname+ '/glMatrix-0.9.5.min.js','utf8'));

The timestamp now uses the high-resolution timer in your machine (not new Date()). This provides a much more precise framerate as well as much better timing for animations.