

NodeJS bindings to GLFW

This projects attempts to provide platform-independent access to windowing system and input devices on desktop/laptop computers using GLFW 3 and above.


All of these libraries are cross-platform. node-glfw provides a Javascript wrapper to access native methods in GLFW and AntTweakBar. See example of usage in node-webgl/test/cube.js.

Once dependent libraries are installed, do

npm install node-gyp
npm install --save bindings nan
node-gyp rebuild

Installation (Mac)

Use Homebrew

brew install pkg-config glfw3 anttweakbar glew

Installation (Linux)

Use apt-get or similar package manager

sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libfreeimage-dev libglew-dev libxi-dev

Download AntTweakBar

cd AntTweakBar/src
sudo cp ../include/* /usr/local/include
sudo cp ../liblibAntTweakBar.* /usr/local/lib

Download GLFW3 (do not use apt-get install libglfw-dev, it is wrong version)

cd glfw
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Installation (Windows)

Have Visual Studio (Express version works fine) installed. Windows dependencies are bundled with this package, so npm install node-glfw should work out-of-box. The binary packages for Windows on their respective web site above do work as well but you'll need to change the path in bindings.gyp to point to where you installed them, includes and libs.
