

New to Onnx

What is ONNX Runtime for PyTorch

ONNX Runtime for PyTorch gives you the ability to accelerate training of large transformer PyTorch models. The training time and cost are reduced with just a one line code change.

    from torch_ort import ORTModule
    model = ORTModule(model)

ONNX Runtime Training Examples

This repo has examples for using ONNX Runtime (ORT) for accelerating training of Transformer models. These examples focus on large scale model training and achieving the best performance in Azure Machine Learning service. ONNX Runtime has the capability to train existing PyTorch models (implemented using torch.nn.Module) through its optimized backend. The examples in this repo demonstrate how ORTModule can be used to switch the training backend.


Outline the examples in the repository.

ExamplePerformance ComparisonModel Change
HuggingFace BARTSee BARTNo model change required
HuggingFace BERTSee BERTNo model change required
HuggingFace DeBERTaSee DeBERTaSee this commit
HuggingFace DistilBERTSee DistilBERTNo model change required
HuggingFace GPT2See GPT2No model change required
HuggingFace RoBERTaSee RoBERTaSee this commit
t5-largeSee T5See this PR
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