

File statistics exporter

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Prometheus exporter gathering metrics about file size, modification time and other statistics.


Pre-built binaries are available on the GitHub release page.


Configure target files on command line, passing glob patterns in parameters

./filestat_exporter '*'

Optional flags:

The exporter can read a config file in yaml format (filestat.yaml by default).

  # Optional network parameters
  listen_address: ':9943'
  #metrics_path: /metrics
  # Optional working directory - overridden by parameter '-path.cwd'
  working_directory: "/path/to/my/project"
  # Default enable/disable of metrics - overridden if not set by parameter '-metric.*'
  enable_crc32_metric: true
  # enable_nb_line_metric: false
  # list of patterns to apply - metrics can be enable/disabled for each group
    - patterns: ["*.html","assets/*.css","scripts/*.js"]
    - patterns: ["data/*.csv"]
      enable_nb_line_metric: true
    - patterns: ["archives/*.tar.gz"]
      enable_crc32_metric: false
      enable_nb_line_metric: false

Note: if a file is matched by a pattern more than once, only the first match's config is used

Pattern format

Pattern uses the glob implementation of bmatcuk/doublestar project:

Pattern can also use golang template format with the following functions:

nowCurrent time{{ now.Locale.Year }}/*.tgz

Exported Metrics

file_glob_match_numberNumber of files matching patternpattern
file_stat_size_bytesSize of file in bytespath
file_stat_modif_time_secondsLast modification time of file in epoch timepath
file_content_hash_crc32 (*)CRC32 hash of file contentpath
file_content_line_number (*)Number of lines in filepath

Note: metrics with (*) are only provided if configured

Building and running



go get github.com/michael-doubez/filestat_exporter
cd ${GOPATH-$HOME/go}/src/github.com/michael-doubez/filestat_exporter
./filestat_exporter <flags> <file glob patterns ...>

To see all available configuration flags:

./filestat_exporter -h

The Makefile provides several targets:

Cross compiled distribution

To build all distribustion packages

make dist

To build a specific os/architecture package

make dist-<os>-<archi>
make dist-linux-amd64

Using Docker

The filestat_exporter is designed to monitor files on the host system.

Try it out in minutes on Katakoda docker playground:

# create local file
docker container run --rm -d -v ~/my_files:/my_files --name my_files bash -c 'echo "Hello world" > /my_files/sample.txt'
# launch exporter watching the files
docker run -d -p 9943:9943 --name=filestats -v ~/my_files:/data mdoubez/filestat_exporter -path.cwd /data '*'
# see file metrics
curl -s docker:9943/metrics | grep file_

TLS and basic authentication

Filestat Exporter supports TLS and basic authentication. This enables better control of the various HTTP endpoints.

To use TLS and/or basic authentication, you need to pass a configuration file using the --web.config.file parameter. The format of the file is described in the exporter-toolkit repository.


Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.