


Screen saver/lock for terminals

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Protect your terminal with a screensaver and lock it with a password. Sclocka runs on *BSD, macOS and Linux

If you are more interested in a screensaver than a screenlock, check ASCII Saver - Screensaver for terminals


Features and TODO list

Changelog | Issues | Contributors

Build and install

Build Requirements


# make install clean

Note, the default login PAM service on FreeBSD doesn't check a user's password for the same login. To allow sclocka perform password authentication via PAM, install unix-selfauth-helper:

# pkg install unix-selfauth-helper

Create and configure a special PAM service e.g. /etc/pam.d/sclocka:

auth            sufficient      pam_exec.so             return_prog_exit_status expose_authtok /usr/local/libexec/unix-selfauth-helper
auth            include         system
account         include         system

Start sclocka with -P sclocka option:

$ sclocka -P sclocka


# make install clean

See notes about PAM helper from FreeBSD section


No PAM supported

# make without_pam install clean


# make install clean

Note, you may be prompted to install command line developer tools

Debian flavor Linux

Make sure you have everything to compile sources:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev

$ sudo make install clean

Red Hat based Linux

Make sure you have everything to compile sources:

$ sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
$ sudo dnf install pam-devel

$ sudo make install clean


# sclocka

Wait for a screensaver to appear


Sclocka can be envoked with several options:

$ sclocka -h

Sclocka - screen saver/lock for terminals, v1.0.3

        sclocka [-b n|f|b|c] [-c] [-B] [-i n] [-s n] [-p] [-P service] [-h]

[-b f]          Screen restore: (n)one, (f)ormfeed, (b)uffer, (c)apabilities
[-c]            Do not clear the window
[-B]            Black-only, no screensaver animation
[-i 5]          Wait n minutes before launching the screensaver
[-s 64]         Screensaver speed n in milliseconds

[-p]            Disable PAM password check
[-P login]      Use custom PAM service

[-h]            This message


Not so early stage of development, yet don't expect everything to work properly. If you have an idea, a question, or have found a problem, do not hesitate to open an issue or mail me: Mikhail Zakharov zmey20000@yahoo.com