


This is a little suid-root helper allowing self-authentication against the local unix passwd database using pam_exec on a FreeBSD system. As a result, the behavior of LinuxPAM is mimicked without changes to the pam_unix module.


Authenticating against the local unix passwd database requires root privileges on all modern unix-like systems. This is also typically true when unix authentication is used from PAM: authentication will fail if pam_unix is required for it and the client doesn't run with root privileges.

This is suprising and kind of inconsistent. To really solve it, the systems should probably provide an "authentication service", but that adds a lot of complexity.

One typical usecase running into this issue is screen lockers. They only need to authenticate the user who is currently logged in, which is much simpler to solve in a secure way using some suid-root helper. In LinuxPAM, a helper specifically for this case exists and is used by pam_unix.

With pam_exec, this same behavior can be achieved without modifying pam_unix.


Just add a pam_exec call to this helper in the auth stack as sufficient above the call to pam_unix. Required options are return_prog_exit_status and expose_authtok.

For example, if you want to use it with xscreensaver, your /usr/local/etc/pam.d/xscreensaver file might look something like this:

auth		sufficient	pam_exec.so		return_prog_exit_status expose_authtok /usr/local/libexec/unix-selfauth-helper
auth		include		system
account		include		system