

<img align="left" height="119" width="119" src="https://meodai.github.io/color-names/logo/cockatoo-fill.svg">

Color Names

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A handpicked list of 30252 unique color names from various sources and thousands of curated user submissions.

The names of color function like a thread attached to a frightfully slender needle, capable of stitching together our most delicate emotions and memories. When the needle hits the target, we feel either pleasure or empathy. Kenya Hara โ€“ White

<p> <a href="#explore-">Explore / Find Names</a> | <a href="#color-distribution-">Name distribution in different models</a> | <a href="#usage-">Usage</a> | <a href="#cdn-">CDN</a> | <a href="#api-">Public Rest API</a> | <a href="#usage-js-">Usage JS</a> | <a href="#sources-">Name Sources</a> | <a href="#latest-color-names-">Latest Color Names</a> | <a href="#costs--sponsors">Sponsors</a> </p>

About ๐Ÿ“‹

The aim of this project is to create a list of color names as large as possible, while keeping a good name quality. We've merged various lists, modified the names when there were duplicates with different hex values, and shifted the colors a bit when there were identical colors with different names.

Explore ๐ŸŒ

Color Name Submission ๐Ÿ’Œ

via form ๐ŸŒˆ / or twitter ๐Ÿฆ

Make sure to read the naming rules before you contribute!

Color Count: 30252 ๐ŸŽ‰

~0.18% of the RGB color space

Color distribution ๐Ÿ›ฐ

3d representation of color distribution in RGB Space (Preview image of link above)

When coming up with new color names, it is vital to know what spots in a certain color-space are crowded and where there is still room for new colors. For example: Our API returns the closest RGB color to a given HEX value. To avoid too many colors snapping to the same name, we aim to distribute the colors evenly in the color space: Visualization

Usage ๐Ÿ“–

Node.js Installation ๐Ÿ“ฆ

Size Warning (1.15 MB): If you are doing this in the browser, consider using the public rest API

npm install color-name-list --save

or yarn add color-name-list


All Names ๐Ÿ“š


Best of Names subset ๐Ÿ†


API ๐Ÿƒ

To make it easier to access the names, we offer a free and public Rest API that allows you to access all the color names and names from other publicly available name lists. You can find the full API code and documentation in this repository.

API Example Call Usage


API Disclaimer

The API is free to use and has no limitations. But if your app/site is commercial and causes excessive traffic, I might contact you to become a sponsor.

Feel free to deploy it yourself, it is very easy to host/deploy on heroku and has no dependencies Color-Name-API

Usage JS โŒจ

Size Warning (1.15 MB): If you are doing this in the browser, consider using the public rest API

Exact Color

import { colorNameList } from 'color-name-list';

let someColor = colorNameList.find(color => color.hex === '#ffffff');
console.log(someColor.name); // => white

let someNamedColor = colorNameList.find(color => color.name === 'Eigengrau')
console.log(someColor.hex); // => #16161d

Closest Named Color

Since there are 16777216 possible RGB colors, you might use a library such as nearest-color or ClosestVector to help you find the the closest named color.

import nearestColor from 'nearest-color';
import { colorNameList } from 'color-name-list';

// nearestColor need objects {name => hex} as input
const colors = colorNameList.reduce((o, { name, hex }) => Object.assign(o, { [name]: hex }), {});

const nearest = nearestColor.from(colors);

// get closest named color
nearest('#f1c1d1'); // => Fairy Tale

Note: If you are looking for something visually more accurate, you could use DeltaE or use the above snippet, but using ciecam02 instead of RGB.

Building ๐Ÿ”จ

npm install && npm run build

See package.json for more.

Sources ๐Ÿ—’

Sources: Names ๐Ÿ“‡

Contributors ๐Ÿฆ‘

Costs & Sponsors


<!-- sponsors --><a href="https://github.com/dy"><img src="https://github.com/dy.png" width="60px" alt="Dmitry Iv." /></a><a href="https://github.com/someguy9"><img src="https://github.com/someguy9.png" width="60px" alt="Andy Feliciotti" /></a><a href="https://github.com/CanadaHonk"><img src="https://github.com/CanadaHonk.png" width="60px" alt="Oliver Medhurst" /></a><!-- sponsors -->

Past Sponsors

Project Costs USD


Logo by Metafizzy800


Color Name API Server264.60/year
color.pizza domain name36.16/year
Cloudflare PRO Plan240/year

Color Namers

Verena the naming overlord , Jess the name wizard , Syl , Stephanie Stutz , Simbiasamba , Jason Wilson , Inรชs Joรฃo , Nick Niles , Qwhex , Ichatdelune , basgys , Shelina S. , Trevor Elia , cheesits456 , Sandhya Subram , BerylBucket , Jimmy Fitzback , TLZ , DarthTorus , Carrion , BlueChaos , nachtfunke , Sean Gibbons

Disclaimer ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿพโ€

In an effort to create a more inclusive and respectful environment, we strive to remove all offensive and racist names, as well as protected brand names, from our list. While we do our best to screen out such names, some may still slip through. If you come across any such names, please let us know so that we can remove them promptly.

Latest Color Names ๐Ÿ”–

New colors

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