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Simple logging module Electron/Node.js/NW.js application. No dependencies. No complicated configuration.

By default, it writes logs to the following locations:


Starts from v5, electron-log requires Electron 13+ or Node.js 14+. Feel free to use electron-log v4 for older runtime. v4 supports Node.js 0.10+ and almost any Electron build.

Install with npm:

npm install electron-log


Main process

import log from 'electron-log/main';

// Optional, initialize the logger for any renderer process

log.info('Log from the main process');

Renderer process

If a bundler is used, you can just import the module:

import log from 'electron-log/renderer';
log.info('Log from the renderer process');

This function uses sessions to inject a preload script to make the logger available in a renderer process.

Without a bundler, you can use a global variable __electronLog. It contains only log functions like info, warn and so on.

There are a few other ways how a logger can be initialized for a renderer process. Read more.

Node.js and NW.js

import log from 'electron-log/node';
log.info('Log from the nw.js or node.js');

electron-log v2.x, v3.x, v4.x

If you would like to upgrade to the latest version, read the migration guide and the changelog.

Log levels

electron-log supports the following log levels:

error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly


Transport is a simple function which does some work with log message. By default, two transports are active: console and file.

You can set transport options or use methods using:

log.transports.console.format = '{h}:{i}:{s} {text}';


Each transport has level and transforms options.

Console transport

Just prints a log message to application console (main process) or to DevTools console (renderer process).


Read more about console transport.

File transport

The file transport writes log messages to a file.

log.transports.file.resolvePathFn = () => path.join(APP_DATA, 'logs/main.log');

Read more about file transport.

IPC transport

It displays log messages from main process in the renderer's DevTools console. By default, it's disabled for a production build. You can enable in the production mode by setting the level property.


Remote transport

Sends a JSON POST request with LogMessage in the body to the specified url.


Read more about remote transport.

Disable a transport

Just set level property to false, for example:

log.transports.file.level = false;
log.transports.console.level = false;

Override/add a custom transport

Transport is just a function (msg: LogMessage) => void, so you can easily override/add your own transport. More info.

Third-party transports

Overriding console.log

Sometimes it's helpful to use electron-log instead of default console. It's pretty easy:

console.log = log.log;

If you would like to override other functions like error, warn and so on:

Object.assign(console, log.functions);


Colors can be used for both main and DevTools console.

log.info('%cRed text. %cGreen text', 'color: red', 'color: green')

Available colors:

For DevTools console you can use other CSS properties.

Catch errors

electron-log can catch and log unhandled errors/rejected promises:


More info.

Electron events logging

Sometimes it's helpful to save critical electron events to the log file.


By default, it save the following events:

More info.


In some situations, you may want to get more control over logging. Hook is a function which is called on each transport call.

(message: LogMessage, transport: Transport, transportName) => LogMessage

More info.

Multiple logger instances

You can create multiple logger instances with different settings:

import log from 'electron-log/main';

const anotherLogger = log.create({ logId: 'anotherInstance' });

Be aware that you need to configure each instance (e.g. log file path) separately.

Logging scopes

import log from 'electron-log/main';
const userLog = log.scope('user');

userLog.info('message with user scope');
// Prints 12:12:21.962 (user) › message with user scope

By default, scope labels are padded in logs. To disable it, set
log.scope.labelPadding = false.


It's like a transaction, you may add some logs to the buffer and then decide whether to write these logs or not. It allows adding verbose logs only when some operations failed.

import log from 'electron-log/main';

try {
  log.info('First silly message');
  // do somethings complex
  log.info('Second silly message');
  // do something else
  // Finished fine, we don't need these logs anymore
} catch (e) {
