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Just a very easy solution for storing settings for an electron application.

Key features


Install with npm:

npm install --save electron-cfg


const config = require('electron-cfg');

const downloadsPath = config.get('downloads.path', process.cwd());

config.observe('album', (current, old) => {
  console.log(`Previous: ${old.name}, current: ${current.name}`);

config.set('album', { name, photos: photos.length });


create(filePath, logger = null)

Create a new config instance with different file path.

get(key, defaultValue = null): any

Returns a value associated with the key.

keystringKey name, use dot in key to return nested value of some object
defaultValue?anyReturn this values instead if key not found

set(key, value): electron-cfg

Sets a value.

has(key): boolean

Is key exists in the config.

delete(key): electron-cfg

Removes values associated with the key.

getAll(): Object

Gets the root object of the config

setAll(data): ElectronCfg

Sets the root object of the config

file(filePath = null): string

Gets / Sets config's file path. If relative, it uses app.getPath('userData') to resolve the full path.

observe(key, handler): electron-cfg

Attaches a handler on keyName property changes. Changes are observable only in the same process.

keystringKey name
handler(newValue, oldValue, key) => voidObserver

purge(): electron-cfg

Removes all data from config

logger(logger = console)

Gets / Sets a logger (object with error, warn and debug methods)

window(options?): WindowManager

Allow to save/restore window size and position. See next section for details

options = {object
-- name: 'main'stringUseful when store settings of multiple windows
-- saveFullscreen: truebooleanWhether to restore fullscreen state
-- saveMaximize: truebooleanWhether to restore maximized state

resolveUserDataPath(filePath, appName?)

Return file path relative to userData directory, similar to

path.join(app.getPath('userData'), filePath)

If appName is set, electron-cfg uses its own code to find userData directory for appName without calling app.getPath. Can be helpful in dev environment when app.getPath('userData') resolves an incorrect path.

Save/restore window state

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron');
const cfg = require('electron-cfg');

function createWindow() {
  const winCfg = cfg.window();
  const window = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,  // default, optional
    height: 600, // default, optional
  return window;

or it can be simplified using the create shortcut:

const cfg = require('electron-cfg');

function createWindow() {
  return cfg.window().create({ width: 800, height: 600 });


WindowManager methods

Related project

Here is a few alternatives which you can try:

A lot of code of Saving/restoring window state is based on electron-window-state


Licensed under MIT.