

Space Invader Game<br>

forthebadge made-with-python<br> Open Source Love svg1 contributions welcome


Classic space invader 2D game.<br> Recall your old childhood memories, by playing the classic space invader game. <br><br>


  1. Left cursor to move spaceship left.
  2. Right cursor key to move spaceship right.
  3. Space bar to fire a bullet. <br><br>


<img src= "https://github.com/meezan-mallick/space_invader_game/blob/master/readme_images/image_1.PNG?raw=true" height=350 width=500 /> <br> <img src= "https://github.com/meezan-mallick/space_invader_game/blob/master/readme_images/image_2.PNG?raw=true" height=350 width=500 /> <br> <img src= "https://github.com/meezan-mallick/space_invader_game/blob/master/readme_images/image_3.png?raw=true" height=350 width=500 />


  1. Python interpreter.
  2. Keyboard (to play) <br>

Environment setup

  1. Clone repo to your machine.
    git clone https://github.com/meezan-mallick/space_invader_game
  2. Install dependencies.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    note : Make sure you're connected to internet.
  3. Run the space_invader.py file.<br> <br>

Contributions :handshake:

  1. Fork the this repo
  2. Edit to your forked repo with branch "Development"
  3. Once done send a PR (Pull Request) to main repo.

Thank You.:pray:

If you like this please appreciate by giving start and Fork this repo.Thank You...! :clap: :clap: :clap: