

How to create your own blog with Blogit?

Welcome to BlogitWeb, the web blog platform, using Blogit as its engine. In this little article, we will try to help you create your own blog.

Let's start!

What is Blogit? What is BlogitWeb?

BlogitWeb is written in Elixir, using the Phoenix web framework. It is a simple application which serves as a front-end to the Blogit blog engine.

What is Blogit? Blogit is a blog engine back-end written in Elixir. It turns a repository (by default git repository), containing markdown files into streams of blog posts, which can be queried. Blogit supports blog configuration in YAML, including blog title, path to custom styles and images, etc.

Now that we know what's what, lets try to create our own blog.

Fork and run BlogitWeb in dev mode


  1. You'll need Elixir. Install it and be sure that its version is greater or equal to 1.5.
  2. You'll need Node.js. Install it on your computer as Phoenix uses it for digesting its assets.

Fork and run

Fork BlogitWeb.

As we said, BlogitWeb is a Phoenix application, so we can run it in development mode by:

git clone https://github.com/<your-user>/blogit_web
cd blogit_web

mix deps.get
npm install
mix phoenix.server

This will start a server on localhost:4000 (the port can be changed in config/dev.exs). Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

You'll see a simple blog with this text as the single post in it!

Configure your own blog in dev mode

The configuration of the blog for the dev mode is located in config/dev.exs. The important bits are:

config :blogit,
  repository_url: "https://github.com/meddle0x53/blogit_sample",
  polling: false, max_lines_in_preview: 5,
  languages: ~w(en bg)

The repository_url points to the repository containing your posts in markdown format. Create a new repository somewhere (github?) and overwrite the default blogit_sample one. Run

mix deps.clean blogit
mix deps.update blogit

If you run

mix phoenix.server

you'll have an empty blog and you'll notice that your repository was cloned into the root of the BlogitWeb project.

Before adding posts to your blog repository, let's look at the other settings, you can configure in config/dev.exs. Possible settings are:

For production you should set the polling to true and some poll_interval, but for dev you can leave them as they are in config/dev.exs.

The engine supports multiple languages and in the sample it is configured to show both English and Bulgarian post streams. You can remove the bg from the list and will have single-language blog in English. For more languages, translations have to be added to BlogitWeb. See priv/gettext for how they look like and do a PR for your language.

Don't forget to run mix do deps.clean blogit, deps.update blogit after modifying the configuration. The idea is that this configuration is a constant and will be modified only in the very beginning of the creation of the blog.

Blog content

Let's start with the title and the look and feel of your blog.

Blog configuration

The default configuration file for the blog is blog.yml, this can be changed with the :configuration_file setting from above. Let's leave it blog.yml for now.

This is the place you can add title, custom styles and logo for your blog. This is an example blog.yml:

title: Sample Blog
sub_title: Some sample sub-title
logo_path: assets/logo.png
styles_path: assets/styles.css
background_image_path: assets/other_image.jpg
  rss: true
  twitter: ntzvetinov
  github: meddle0x53
  facebook: meddle0x53
  stars_for_blogit: false
  title: Примерен блог
  sub_title: Some sample sub-title-in-bulgarian
    rss: false

Create your own file similar to this. The title and sub-title are shown on every page as header, the titles can have background image or logo and you can overwrite the default CSS. Notice that all the files are in an assets folder. You have to create one in your blog repository and put them there, they'll be served by BlogitWeb.

The social section is for links to social media. By default you have RSS feed, but it can be turned off. Also by default there are links for giving Blogit and BlogitWeb stars in Github. These can be turned off too. If you want to have links to your Twitter, Github and/or Facebook profiles, just add your handles.

If you have secondary language, you can override some of the setting you defined in a section under the code of the language. Everything else is derived.


Posts should be markdown files residing in the blog repository under a folder named posts. That's it, they'll be shown in the blog. Their creation date and author will be retrieved from the git history.

You can add custom meta data to every post. Just add it in the markdown file before the content like in this post.

Meta data could be custom author name, category, list of tags, custom created_at and updated_at dates (if you don't want them from the git history) in ISO 8601 format. You can also add pinned: true and the post will be shown in a special list of pinned posts. Posts can have title_image_path for an image under the title (900x300 is the best size for it).

If you want posts streams for alternate languages, just create sub-folder of posts with name the code of the language and add the posts there. For example a post in Bulgarian should have similar path : posts/bg/some_post.md.

Custom styles and contributions

With the styles_path configuration you can add custom CSS to your blog, but it could turn out this is not enough. We encourage you to contribute to BlogitWeb with PRs and issues.


The BlogitWeb project uses Distillery for building releases. It comes with a little script, so you can try it in production mode. Don't forget to modify config/prod.exs with the settings for your blog and run mix do deps.clean blogit, deps.update blogit before that. Run


After it finishes, you can try your blog in production mode

_build/prod/rel/blogit_web/bin/blogit_web foreground


For deployment you can follow these cool guides by Chak Zia Zek:




You won't need Ecto and Postgres for BlogitWeb.

BlogitWeb depends on Edeliver, so you can modify .deliver/config with the IP of your host and just run:

mix edeliver build release production --verbose
mix edeliver deploy release to production

mix edeliver start production

If you followed the guides and did the right modifications all will run fine.

Alternatively we have Dockerfile.build to build BlogitWeb with Docker and a Dockerfile to deploy it to a docker-enabled host.