

About this repository & EOL

This repository will not be updated anymore. Please use https://github.com/irsdl/BurpSuiteSharpenerEx.

Burp Suite Sharpener

This extension should add a number of UI and functional features to Burp Suite to make working with it a bit easier. The latest version only works with the Montoya API which should be available in Burp Suite 2023.1 or higher.

<pre> ___ _ / __>| |_ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ._ _ ___ _ _ \__ \| . |<_> || '_>| . \/ ._>| ' |/ ._>| '_> <___/|_|_|<___||_| | _/\___.|_|_|\___.|_| |_| v3.6 </pre>


Using the Legacy Extension

The latest version of this extension is only compatible with Burp Suite version 2023.1 and above due to the full support of Montoya API. The older versions of this extension can be downloaded from the legacy branch: https://github.com/mdsecresearch/BurpSuiteSharpener/tree/Legacy-Extension/release The legacy branch will not receive any future updates.

Current Features

Burp Suite Compatibility and Reporting Errors

As PortSwigger has a plan to update Burp Suite UI in a near future, some features in this extension may become redundant or unreliable. While we use this extension ourselves we can see potential errors from time to time, as an open source project, it relies on the community feedback for improvements and to fix the issues. Please report any errors in issues.

This extension has been tested against the latest early edition of pro version which was 2023.1 at the time of writing this document. It should however be also compatible with the community edition.

Suggesting New Features

The plan is to add simple but effective missing features to this single extension to make tester's life easier as a must-have companion when using Burp Suite (so we cannot Burp without it!).

Please feel free to submit your new feature requests using FR: in its title in issues.

It would be great to also list any known available extensions which might have implemented suggested features. Perhaps the best features can be imported from different open-source extensions so the overhead of adding different extensions can be reduced.

Usage Tips

Show Context Menu for Repeater and Intruder TabsMouse Middle-Click<br/>Alt + Any Mouse Key<br/>Down Arrow<br/>Ctrl + Enter<br/>Ctrl + Shift +Enter
Find Tabs for Repeater and Intruder TabCtrl + Shift + F
Find NextF3 <br/>Ctrl + F3
Find PreviousShift + F3<br/>Ctrl + Shift + F3
Jump to the First TabHome<br/>Ctrl + Shift + Home
Jump to the last TabEnd<br/>Ctrl + Shift + End
Previous TabLeft Arrow<br/>Ctrl + Shift + Left
Next TabRight Arrow<br/>Ctrl + Shift + Right<br/>Mouse Wheel
Back (Previously Selected Tab)Alt + Left<br/>Ctrl + Alt + Left<br/>Mouse Wheel
ForwardAlt + Right<br/>Ctrl + Alt + Right
Copy Subtab TitleCtrl + C<br/>Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste Subtab TitleCtrl + V<br/>Ctrl + Shift + V
Rename Subtab TitleF2<br/>Ctrl + F2
Increase Font SizeCtrl + Mouse Wheel
Increase Font Size & BoldMiddle Click + CTRL
Decrease Font Size & BoldMiddle Click + CTRL + SHIFT
Big & Red & BoldMiddle Click + SHIFT
Move Burp Suite Window to the centre of the ScreenCtrl + Alt + C












Thanks To

Please feel free to report bugs, suggest features, or send pull requests.