

Square Attack: a query-efficient black-box adversarial attack via random search

ECCV 2020

Maksym Andriushchenko*, Francesco Croce*, Nicolas Flammarion, Matthias Hein

EPFL, University of Tübingen

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.00049

* denotes equal contribution



We propose the Square Attack, a score-based black-box L2- and Linf-adversarial attack that does not rely on local gradient information and thus is not affected by gradient masking. Square Attack is based on a randomized search scheme which selects localized square-shaped updates at random positions so that at each iteration the perturbation is situated approximately at the boundary of the feasible set. Our method is significantly more query efficient and achieves a higher success rate compared to the state-of-the-art methods, especially in the untargeted setting. In particular, on ImageNet we improve the average query efficiency in the untargeted setting for various deep networks by a factor of at least 1.8 and up to 3 compared to the recent state-of-the-art Linf-attack of Al-Dujaili & O’Reilly. Moreover, although our attack is black-box, it can also outperform gradient-based white-box attacks on the standard benchmarks achieving a new state-of-the-art in terms of the success rate.

The code of the Square Attack can be found in square_attack_linf(...) and square_attack_l2(...) in attack.py.
Below we show adversarial examples generated by our method for Linf and L2 perturbations:

<p align="center"><img src="images/adv_examples.png" width="700"></p> <!-- Below we show the evolution of the images produced by the Linf (left) and L2 (right) versions of the Square Attack until misclassification is reached. <p align="center"><img src="images/ezgif.com-gif-maker-50-conf-small.gif" width="425" /> <img src="images/ezgif.com-gif-maker-img-53-l2-2.gif" width="425" /> </p> -->

About the paper

The general algorithm of the attack is extremely simple and relies on the random search algorithm: we try some update and accept it only if it helps to improve the loss:

<p align="center"><img src="images/algorithm_rs.png" width="600"></p>

The only thing we customize is the sampling distribution P (see the paper for details). The main idea behind the choice of the sampling distributions is that:

In the paper we also provide convergence analysis of a variant of our attack in the non-convex setting, and justify the main algorithmic choices such as modifying squares and using the same sign of the update.

This simple algorithm is sufficient to significantly outperform much more complex approaches in terms of the success rate and query efficiency:

<p align="center"><img src="images/main_results_imagenet.png" width="650"></p> <p align="center"><img src="images/main_results_imagenet_l2_commonly_successful.png" width="450"></p>

Here are the complete success rate curves with respect to different number of queries. We note that the Square Attack also outperforms the competing approaches in the low-query regime.

<p align="center"><img src="images/success_rate_curves_full.png" width="650"></p>

The Square Attack also performs very well on adversarially trained models on MNIST achieving results competitive or better than white-box attacks despite the fact our attack is black-box:

<p align="center"><img src="images/table_madry_trades_mnist_linf.png" width="300"></p>

Interestingly, the L2 perturbations for the Linf adversarially trained model are challenging for many attacks, including white-box PGD, and also other black-box attacks. However, the Square Attack is able to much more accurately assess the robustness in this setting:

<p align="center"><img src="images/table_madry_mnist_l2.png" width="550"></p> <!-- The Square Attack is a useful tool to evaluate robustness of new defenses. It works even in cases when the white-box PGD-attack fails to accurately estimate the robustness of the model or requires many random restarts: <p align="center"><img src="images/table_clp_lsq.png" width="550"></p> <p align="center"><img src="images/table_post_avg.png" width="550"></p> An ablation study helps to understand what is particularly important for the query efficiency of our attack: square-shaped updates and using the same random sign inside each square. See the paper for theoretical justifications of this choice of the updates. <p align="center"><img src="images/ablation_study.png" width="400"></p> Finally, we note that the attack is stable under different choices of the hyperparameter `p`. This is an important property for the black-box setting since doing even an approximate grid search over `p` for every new model would require a lot more additional queries. <p align="center"><img src="images/sensitivity_wrt_p.png" width="1000"></p> -->

Running the code

attack.py is the main module that implements the Square Attack, see the command line arguments there. The main functions which implement the attack are square_attack_linf() and square_attack_l2().

In order to run the untargeted Linf Square Attack on ImageNet models from the PyTorch repository you need to specify a correct path to the validation set (see IMAGENET_PATH in data.py) and then run:

Note that eps=12.75 is then divided by 255, so in the end it is equal to 0.05.

For performing targeted attacks, one should use additionally the flag --targeted, use a lower p, and specify more iterations --n_iter=100000 since it usually takes more iteration to achieve a misclassification to some particular, randomly chosen class.

The rest of the models have to downloaded first (see the instructions below), and then can be evaluated in the following way:

Post-averaging models:

Clean logit pairing and logit squeezing models:

Adversarially trained model (with only 1 restart; note that the results in the paper are based on 50 restarts):

The L2 Square Attack can be run similarly, but please check the recommended hyperparameters in the paper (Section B of the supplement) and make sure that you specify the right value eps taking into account whether the pixels are in [0, 1] or in [0, 255] for a particular dataset dataset and model. For example, for the standard ImageNet models, the correct L2 eps to specify is 1275 since after division by 255 it will become 5.0.

Saved statistics

In the folder metrics, we provide saved statistics of the attack on 4 models: Inception-v3, ResNet-50, VGG-16-BN.
Here are simple examples how to load the metrics file.

Linf attack

To print the statistics from the last iteration:

metrics = np.load('metrics/2019-11-10 15:57:14 model=pt_resnet dataset=imagenet n_ex=1000 eps=12.75 p=0.05 n_iter=10000.metrics.npy')
iteration = np.argmax(metrics[:, -1])  # max time is the last available iteration
acc, acc_corr, mean_nq, mean_nq_ae, median_nq, avg_loss, time_total = metrics[iteration]
print('[iter {}] acc={:.2%} acc_corr={:.2%} avg#q={:.2f} avg#q_ae={:.2f} med#q_ae={:.2f} (p={}, n_ex={}, eps={}, {:.2f}min)'.
      format(n_iters+1, acc, acc_corr, mean_nq, mean_nq_ae, median_nq_ae, p, n_ex, eps, time_total/60))

Then one can also create different plots based on the data contained in metrics. For example, one can use 1 - acc_corr to plot the success rate of the Square Attack at different number of queries.

L2 attack

In this case we provide the number of queries necessary to achieve misclassification (n_queries[i] = 0 means that the image i was initially misclassified, n_queries[i] = 10001 indicates that the attack could not find an adversarial example for the image i). To load the metrics and compute the success rate of the Square Attack after k queries, you can run:

n_queries = np.load('metrics/square_l2_resnet50_queries.npy')['n_queries']
success_rate = float(((n_queries > 0) * (n_queries <= k)).sum()) / (n_queries > 0).sum()


Note that in order to evaluate other models, one has to first download them and move them to the folders specified in model_path_dict from models.py:

For the first 4 models, one has to additionally update the paths in the checkpoint file in the following way:

model_checkpoint_path: "model.ckpt"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "model.ckpt"



Do you have a problem or question regarding the code? Please don't hesitate to open an issue or contact Maksym Andriushchenko or Francesco Croce directly.


  title={Square Attack: a query-efficient black-box adversarial attack via random search},
  author={Andriushchenko, Maksym and Croce, Francesco and Flammarion, Nicolas and Hein, Matthias},