

MNIST Adversarial Examples Challenge

Recently, there has been much progress on adversarial attacks against neural networks, such as the cleverhans library and the code by Carlini and Wagner. We now complement these advances by proposing an attack challenge for the MNIST dataset (we recently released a CIFAR10 variant of this challenge). We have trained a robust network, and the objective is to find a set of adversarial examples on which this network achieves only a low accuracy. To train an adversarially-robust network, we followed the approach from our recent paper:

Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks <br> Aleksander Madry, Aleksandar Makelov, Ludwig Schmidt, Dimitris Tsipras, Adrian Vladu <br> https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.06083.

As part of the challenge, we release both the training code and the network architecture, but keep the network weights secret. We invite any researcher to submit attacks against our model (see the detailed instructions below). We will maintain a leaderboard of the best attacks for the next two months and then publish our secret network weights.

The goal of our challenge is to clarify the state-of-the-art for adversarial robustness on MNIST. Moreover, we hope that future work on defense mechanisms will adopt a similar challenge format in order to improve reproducibility and empirical comparisons.

Update 2022-05-03: We will no longer be accepting submissions to this challenge.

Update 2017-09-14: Due to recently increased interest in our challenge, we are extending its duration until October 15th.

Update 2017-10-19: We released our secret model, you can download it by running python fetch_model.py secret. As of Oct 15 we are no longer accepting black-box challenge submissions. We will soon set up a leaderboard to keep track of white-box attacks. Many thanks to everyone who participated!

Update 2017-11-06: We have set up a leaderboard for white-box attacks on the (now released) secret model. The submission format is the same as before. We plan to continue evaluating submissions and maintaining the leaderboard for the foreseeable future.

Black-Box Leaderboard (Original Challenge)

AttackSubmitted byAccuracySubmission Date
AdvGAN from "Generating Adversarial Examples <br> with Adversarial Networks"AdvGAN92.76%Sep 25, 2017
PGD against three independently and<br> adversarially trained copies of the networkFlorian Tramèr93.54%Jul 5, 2017
FGSM on the CW loss for model B from <br> "Ensemble Adversarial Training [...]"Florian Tramèr94.36%Jun 29, 2017
FGSM on the CW loss for the <br> naturally trained public network(initial entry)96.08%Jun 28, 2017
PGD on the cross-entropy loss for the<br> naturally trained public network(initial entry)96.81%Jun 28, 2017
Attack using Gaussian Filter for selected pixels<br> on the adversarially trained public networkAnonymous97.33%Aug 27, 2017
FGSM on the cross-entropy loss for the<br> adversarially trained public network(initial entry)97.66%Jun 28, 2017
PGD on the cross-entropy loss for the<br> adversarially trained public network(initial entry)97.79%Jun 28, 2017

White-Box Leaderboard

AttackSubmitted byAccuracySubmission Date
Guided Local AttackSiyuan Yi88.00%Aug 30, 2021
PCROS AttackChen Wan88.04%Oct 28, 2020
Adaptive Distributionally Adversarial AttackTianhang Zheng88.06%Feb 29, 2019
PGD attack with Output Diversified InitializationYusuke Tashiro88.13%Feb 15, 2020
Square AttackFrancesco Croce88.25%Jan 14, 2020
First-Order Adversary with Quantized GradientsZhuanghua Liu88.32%Oct 16, 2019
MultiTargetedSven Gowal88.36%Aug 28, 2019
Interval AttacksShiqi Wang88.42%Feb 28, 2019
Distributionally Adversarial Attack <br> merging multiple hyperparametersTianhang Zheng88.56%Jan 13, 2019
Interval AttacksShiqi Wang88.59%Jan 6, 2019
Distributionally Adversarial AttackTianhang Zheng88.79%Aug 13, 2018
First-order attack on logit difference<br> for optimally chosen target labelSamarth Gupta88.85%May 23, 2018
100-step PGD on the cross-entropy loss<br> with 50 random restarts(initial entry)89.62%Nov 6, 2017
100-step PGD on the CW loss<br> with 50 random restarts(initial entry)89.71%Nov 6, 2017
100-step PGD on the cross-entropy loss(initial entry)92.52%Nov 6, 2017
100-step PGD on the CW loss(initial entry)93.04%Nov 6, 2017
FGSM on the cross-entropy loss(initial entry)96.36%Nov 6, 2017
FGSM on the CW loss(initial entry)96.40%Nov 6, 2017

Format and Rules

The objective of the challenge is to find black-box (transfer) attacks that are effective against our MNIST model. Attacks are allowed to perturb each pixel of the input image by at most epsilon=0.3. To ensure that the attacks are indeed black-box, we release our training code and model architecture, but keep the actual network weights secret.

We invite any interested researchers to submit attacks against our model. The most successful attacks will be listed in the leaderboard above. As a reference point, we have seeded the leaderboard with the results of some standard attacks.

The MNIST Model

We used the code published in this repository to produce an adversarially robust model for MNIST classification. The model is a convolutional neural network consisting of two convolutional layers (each followed by max-pooling) and a fully connected layer. This architecture is derived from the MNIST tensorflow tutorial. The network was trained against an iterative adversary that is allowed to perturb each pixel by at most epsilon=0.3.

The random seed used for training and the trained network weights will be kept secret.

The sha256() digest of our model file is:


We will release the corresponding model file on October 15th 2017, which is roughly two months after the start of this competition.

The Attack Model

We are interested in adversarial inputs that are derived from the MNIST test set. Each pixel can be perturbed by at most epsilon=0.3 from its initial value. All pixels can be perturbed independently, so this is an l_infinity attack.

Submitting an Attack

Each attack should consist of a perturbed version of the MNIST test set. Each perturbed image in this test set should follow the above attack model.

The adversarial test set should be formated as a numpy array with one row per example and each row containing a flattened array of 28x28 pixels. Hence the overall dimensions are 10,000 rows and 784 columns. Each pixel must be in the [0,1] range. See the script pgd_attack.py for an attack that generates an adversarial test set in this format.

In order to submit your attack, save the matrix containing your adversarial examples with numpy.save and email the resulting file to mnist.challenge@gmail.com. We will then run the run_attack.py script on your file to verify that the attack is valid and to evaluate the accuracy of our secret model on your examples. After that, we will reply with the predictions of our model on each of your examples and the overall accuracy of our model on your evaluation set.

If the attack is valid and outperforms all current attacks in the leaderboard, it will appear at the top of the leaderboard. Novel types of attacks might be included in the leaderboard even if they do not perform best.

We strongly encourage you to disclose your attack method. We would be happy to add a link to your code in our leaderboard.

Overview of the Code

The code consists of six Python scripts and the file config.json that contains various parameter settings.

Running the code

Parameters in config.json

Model configuration:

Training configuration:

Evaluation configuration:

Adversarial examples configuration:

Example usage

After cloning the repository you can either train a new network or evaluate/attack one of our pre-trained networks.

Training a new network

python train.py
python eval.py

Download a pre-trained network

python fetch_model.py adv_trained

and use the config.json file to set "model_dir": "models/adv_trained".

python fetch_model.py natural

and use the config.json file to set "model_dir": "models/natural".

Test the network

python pgd_attack.py
python run_attack.py