

Self-adapting confidence estimation for stereo

Demo code of "Self-adapting confidence estimation for stereo", Matteo Poggi, Filippo Aleotti, Fabio Tosi, Giulio Zaccaroni and Stefano Mattoccia, ECCV 2020.


Copyright (c) 2020 University of Bologna. Patent pending. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode ).

<p align="center"> <img src=https://mattpoggi.github.io/assets/img/confidence/poggi2020eccv.gif> </p>



  title     = {Self-adapting confidence estimation for stereo},
  author    = {Poggi, Matteo and
               Aleotti, Filippo and
               Tosi, Fabio and
               Zaccaroni, Giulio and
               Mattoccia, Stefano},
  booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
  year = {2020}


  1. Introduction
  2. Usage
  3. Results
  4. Contacts
  5. Acknowledgements


Estimating the confidence of disparity maps inferred by a stereo algorithm has become a very relevant task in the years, due to the increasing number of applications leveraging such cue. Although self-supervised learning has recently spread across many computer vision tasks, it has been barely considered in the field of confidence estimation. In this paper, we propose a flexible and lightweight solution enabling self-adapting confidence estimation agnostic to the stereo algorithm or network. Our approach relies on the minimum information available in any stereo setup (i.e., the input stereo pair and the output disparity map) to learn an effective confidence measure. This strategy allows us not only a seamless integration with any stereo system, including consumer and industrial devices equipped with undisclosed stereo perception methods, but also, due to its self-adapting capability, for its out-of-the-box deployment in the field. Exhaustive experimental results with different standard datasets support our claims, showing how our solution is the first-ever enabling online learning of accurate confidence estimation for any stereo system and without any requirement for the end-user.



Getting started

Download DrivingStereo sequence and pretrained models

DrivingStereo sequence 2018-10-25-07-37-26: left images - right images

Pre-computed disparity maps for sequence 2018-10-25-07-37-26: Census-SGM - MADNet - GANet

ConfNet weights trained on KITTI: Checkpoints

Run the demo

Launch the following command to play over the DrivingStereo sequence (or your custom data)

python main.py --mode [mode] \
               --checkpoint_path [checkpoint_path] \
               --output_path [output_path] \
               --left_dir [left_dir] \
               --right_dir [right_dir] \
               --disp_dir [disp_dir] 

Main arguments:

Optional arguments:

Custom arguments for running on your data:

In case of custom data, left, right and disparity maps are assumed to have the same name in different folders, disparity maps are assumed to be 16 bit .png images. (e.g., left/001.jpg, right/001.jpg, disp/001.png. The .txt file should contain 001.jpg)


Download DrivingStereo sequence 2018-10-25-07-37-26 ground truth maps

python AUC.py --gt_path [gt_path] \
              --disp_path [disp_path] \
              --conf_path [conf_path] \
              --conf_name [measure]


For each ground truth map gt_path/map_name.png, the script will look for a disparity map disp_path/map_name.png and a confidence map map_name/conf_name.png and compute average AUC.

Optional arguments:


By running the AUC.py script, you should be able to reproduce the following results (Census-SGM):

Measure: reprojection   & Avg. bad3: 21.007%    & Opt. AUC: 0.029       & Avg. AUC: 0.179 \\
Measure: agreement      & Avg. bad3: 21.007%    & Opt. AUC: 0.029       & Avg. AUC: 0.106 \\
Measure: uniqueness     & Avg. bad3: 21.007%    & Opt. AUC: 0.029       & Avg. AUC: 0.162 \\
Measure: otb            & Avg. bad3: 21.007%    & Opt. AUC: 0.029       & Avg. AUC: 0.072 \\
Measure: otb-online     & Avg. bad3: 21.007%    & Opt. AUC: 0.029       & Avg. AUC: 0.064 \\


m [dot] poggi [at] unibo [dot] it


Most of the code is derived from LGC-Tensorflow repository: https://github.com/fabiotosi92/LGC-Tensorflow