


Tensorflow implementation of a local-global framework for confidence estimation.

Beyond local reasoning for stereo confidence estimation with deep learning

Fabio Tosi, Matteo Poggi, Antonio Benincasa and Stefano Mattoccia
ECCV 2018

Qualitative results on KITTI

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Example of confidence estimation. (a) Reference image from KITTI 2015 dataset, (b) disparity map obtained with MC-CNN, (c) confidence estimated with a local approach (CCNN) and (d) the proposed local-global framework, highlighting regions on which the latter method provides more reliable predictions (red bounding boxes).

For more details: pdf


For training, the KITTI input images have been padded to 384x1280.

The training file should be a .txt file in which each line contains: [path_image_left];[path_image_disparity];[path_image_groundtruth]. Disparity maps and groundtruth as 16 bit images.

You can train the local network as follows:

python ./model/main.py --is_training True --epoch 14 --batch_size 128 --patch_size 9 --dataset [path_training_file] --initial_learning_rate 0.003 --log_directory [path_log] --model_name model --model [CCNN, EFN, LFN] 

Use the --model argument to choose the architecture:

Similarly, you can train the global network (ConfNet):

python ./model/main.py --is_training True --epoch 1600 --batch_size 1 --crop_height 256 --crop_width 512 --dataset [path_training_file] --initial_learning_rate 0.003 --log_directory [path_log] --model_name model --model ConfNet 

Finally, you can load weights from the local and global networks and train LGCNet thereafter:

python ./model/main.py --is_training True --epoch 14 --batch_size 128 --patch_size 9 --dataset [path_training_file] --initial_learning_rate 0.003 --log_directory [path_log] --model_name model --model LGC --checkpoint_path [path_checkpoint_ConfNet] [path_checkpoint_CCNN/LFN] --late_fusion

Use --late_fusion flag to set LFN as local network. Otherwise, disable it to use CCNN.

Warning: set checkpoint_CCNN/LFN accordingly.


The testing file should be a .txt file in which each line contains: [path_image_left];[path_image_disparity]. Disparity maps as 16 bit images.

If you want to test the local network or the global network indipendently:

python ./model/main.py --is_training False --batch_size 1 --dataset [path_testing_file] --checkpoint_path [path_checkpoint] --output_path [path_output] --model [CCNN, EFN, LFN, ConfNet]

For testing LGCNet, instead, you can run:

python ./model/main.py --is_training False --batch_size 1 --dataset [path_testing_file] --checkpoint_path [path_checkpoint_ConfNet] [path_checkpoint_CCNN/LFN] [path_checkpoint_LGC] --output_path [path_output] --model LGC --late_fusion

Pretrained models

You can download the pre-trained models, trained on 20 images of KITTI 12 dataset for AD-CENSUS, SMG and MC-CNN stereo algorithms, here:

Google Drive


This code was tested with Tensorflow 1.4, CUDA 8.0 and Ubuntu 16.04.